Saturday, November 9, 2019
Georgia State Troopers
The Georgia State Patrol Trooper is considered to be the premier uniformed law enforcement job in the State of Georgia. It should be noted that although the Georgia State Patrol is small, this state law enforcement organization is considered to be highly professional. Compared to most other states nationally the State Troopers are the lowest paid? Unfortunately this impacts retention, but moreover morale. Most Trooper Cadets are more status conscious than money conscious. The State of Georgia is experiencing one the nation’s highest unemployment rates.The State is virtually in a hiring freeze. Although the Department of Public Safety has made numerous request for additional State Troopers the state legislature has delayed the passage of a two percent pay increase for all state employees, including the Department of Public Safety. The state legislature has further denied the Department of Public Safety’s requests for two hundred additional Trooper Cadets; the State of Ge orgia is strapped for cash as tax revenues have decreased significantly in recent years.Even Colleges and Universities have consolidated their administrative functions. Two or three Universities within a hundred miles of one another will share admissions, registrar and finance operations. Perhaps on a cursory examination by either a trained professional or a serious criminal justice student, the Georgia Department of Public Safety organization hierarchy can provide a pedantic explanation about the significant recruiting and retention problem areas.The State of Georgia comingles resources and over relies on the Merit System for recruiting and hiring state employees. Every State Department has a Commissioner. For example the Department of Public Safety in the State of Georgia Commissioner is Colonel MarkW. McDonough. Commissoner Col. Mark W. McDonough is a political appointment as is Georgia State Patrol’s Division Head’s and Deputy Division Commissioner. Other examples include Departments of Juvenile Justice and Department of Corrections that have the same organizational profiles.Department and or Divisions have Deputy Commissioners. These higher levels of administrative personnel positions secured through appointments, not elected or necessarily merit based The most interesting employment capacity is Captain Ronnie Rhodes, the head of the Capitol Police. Within the Department of Public Safety the organizational flow chart on page four suggests Captain Rhodes is in field operations and serves and protects the legislature and Governor, the Lt. Governor, and visiting dignitaries.They also direct traffic near and around government buildings. Regardless, many of these State Troopers are assigned in the capitol area, and only in Atlanta, Georgia. Navigating the Department’s Web Site and examining outdated textbooks suggested an organizational structure woefully lacking in critical understanding for the casual observer. Further investigation into the organization hierarchy revealed that Field Operations, Major Ed Grier possesses the supervisory responsibility.Within his purview and field of operations are the State Troopers and Trooper Cadets, they number approximately eleven hundred men and women law enforcement officials. A majority, of eight hundred, and fifty officers patrol the counties, State, and federal roadways. Most female troopers reside and work in municipalities that have a Motor Vehicle Division. Clerical and administrative tasks include license issuance, renewals, and Administrative license renewal hearings for driving under the influence suspects.State of Georgia State of Georgia Department of Public Safety Department of Public Safety Organizational Chart Organizational Chart ( Georgia State Patrol ) ( Georgia State Patrol )Commissioner Col. Mark McDonnough Special Investigations Angie Holt Legal Services Melissa Rogers Deputy Commissioner Lt. Col. Russell Powell Aviation Billy Smith Comptroller Peter Ad ams Field Ops Maj Ed Grier Motor Ops Lt Gene DavisCapitol Police Lt Ron RhodesHeadquarters Maj Hank FieldHuman Resource Lisa Maier A crucial section of the Department of Public Safety is Human Resources. Lisa Maier is the Supervising individual that reviews applicants who apply via State of Georgia Merit Systems.The State of Georgia funnels from the pool of applicants specifying in their respective generic State form the State Trooper or Trooper Cadet Job position. The Trooper candidate must pass a Georgia Merit System written examination before Lisa Maier reviews the application. The State of Georgia does not have an Assessment/Training Center, consequently other than thorough background and credit history, polygraph examinations, and psychological examinations may be contracted to an outside agency. These assessments are not required.
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