Friday, November 29, 2019
Othello Act 4 Scene 3 Essay Example
Othello Act 4 Scene 3 Paper At the beginning of this scene Othello does not engage in conversation with Desdemona, he simply tells her to go to bed. Get to bed on thinstant; I will be returned forthwith. Dismiss your attendant there. Lookt be done. Here we can notice Othellos use of imperatives; this implies that he has lost all respect for Desdemona. The audience know why he has lost respect for her however; she is completely oblivious to the accusations being made behind her back. Shakespeare is presenting her as a tragic figure as she has no idea what she has done wrong and is falsely accused. Inevitably, she will loose the man she loves and her own life due a complete lie. There is a terrible poignancy in almost every line that Desdemona utters in this scene. Shakespeare has portrayed Desdemona as a tragic figure as even though Othello has treated her terribly she still wants to please him. We must not now displease him. Desdemona is respectful and faithful towards her husband and continues to be so even after his terrible behaviour. No, unpin me here. Here Desdemona realises she is more vulnerable in her night clothes. Shakespeare is showing that Desdemona undressing is like her removing her armour. This gives the audience a sense of foreboding as it seems like Desdemona is aware of what is to come. Desdemona speaks to Emilia about the Willow song this reflects her own sadness and points to her own death. She feels abandoned as she sings and is aware of her impending death. This shows Desdemona as tragic as she knows what is going to happen inevitably however she still does not know why. The Willow song is a dramatic device as willows symbolise disappointed love, which is exactly what she is experiencing. We will write a custom essay sample on Othello Act 4 Scene 3 specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Othello Act 4 Scene 3 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Othello Act 4 Scene 3 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer She is anxious and her tale of her mothers maid and willow song foreshadows her own death. The willow scene relaxes the tension comparative quietness and calm before the storm of the last scene. The song reinforces the melancholy atmosphere and prepares us for the tragic outcome; in the song the woman refuses to blame her lover and approves his scorn. Desdemona is a complete contrast to the woman who stood up to her father in defence of Othello; she now seems weak and unable to defend herself. In Act 2 Scene 1 Desdemona dismisses Iagos remarks as old bar-room jokes. These are old fond paradoxes to makes fools laugh ithalehouse. That miserable praise hast thou her thats foul and foolish? Here Desdemona is engaging Iago in debate. She is standing up for herself and what she believes in; this is tragic as the audience can see a clear change in Desdemonas personality. Let nobody blame him; his scorn I approve Nay, thats not next. Hark, who ist that knocks? Here Desdemona has added a line to the song suggesting that she is nervous and on the edge. Emilia and Desdemona continue to talk and they are discussing the act of committing adultery, Desdemona says she would not do such a wrong thing. Emilia argues that mens treatment of their wives is often the cause of womens falling. She states that women have desires and weaknesses just as much as men. Men should beware or women will learn from how they are abused to abuse them. However, Desdemona perseveres in her view and shows Emilia and the audience that she would rather learn to improve from, rather than copy and abuse. Here we see the complete contrast in characters. Desdemona is completely faithful to Othello which makes their situation all the more tragic. Emilia does not seem phased by being unfaithful whereas Desdemona is shocked by this idea. That there be women do abuse their husbands in such gross kind? She is appalled by this idea and this adds to the fact that she is completely innocent. Desdemonas fate is unfair and unearned, yet she is the tragic female heroine who ends up being sacrificed to satisfy the fates. Aristotle taught that tragedy is composed of six elements: plot-structure, character, style, spectacle, and lyric poetry. The characters in a tragedy are merely a means of driving the story; and the plot, is the chief focus of tragedy. It is the imitation of action arousing pity and fear, and is meant to affect the catharsis of those same emotions. In Aristotles definition of tragedy Shakespeare has definitely portrayed Desdemona as a tragic figure. If the characters are a means of driving the story then the play wouldnt have a plot if it werent for Desdemona. Othello, Desdemona and Iago are the three main characters involved to form the plot along with others. The plot is the chief focus of tragedy therefore Desdemona is playing part in creating the tragedy for the play. S. N. Garner elucidates Desdemonas character, maintaining that Shakespeare carefully balanced the other characters accounts of her as goddess or whore to present a complex portrait. Othellos sensual view is countered by Brabantios idealized concept in Act 1 and Roderigo and Cassios romanticized vision is opposed by Iagos coarse innuendo in Act 2. Garner then points out that Desdemonas liveliness and assertiveness are confirmed by her marriage to Othello and that these positive traits become a fatal. Here we can see that Garner believes that eventually Desdemonas traits became fatal to her character. This links in with Aristotles definition of tragedy as he also says that their downfall is caused by a series of bad choices caused by tragic flaws in their character. This could suggest that it is partly Desdemonas character that has increased the tragedy between Othello and herself.
Monday, November 25, 2019
How To Tell Time in Spanish
How To Tell Time in Spanish You can tell time in Spanish if you can count to 29 and learn a handful of words. Its that easy. Basic Rules for Telling Time in Spanish The basic way of telling time in Spanish is to use the singular form of ser (to be), which is es, for one oclock and the plural form, son, for other times. Minutes can be stated simply by separating them from the hour using y, the word for and. Es la una. (It is 1:00.)Es la una y dos. (It is 1:02.)Son las dos. (It is 2:00.)Son las tres. (It is 3:00.)Son las seis y cinco. (It is 6:05.)Son las siete y diez. (It is 7:10.)Son las once y diecinueve. (It is 11:19.) To indicate the half hour, use media (a word for half). Use cuarto (meaning fourth) to indicate the quarter hours. Es la una y media. (It is 1:30.)Son las cuatro y media. (It is 4:30.)Es la una y cuarto. (It is 1:15.) It is customary to use menos (a cognate of minus) to tell time during the second half of each hour, stating the number of minutes until the following hour. Es la una menos diez. (It is 12:50. It is 10 until 1.)Son las cinco menos cinco. (It is 4:55. It is 5 until 5.)Son las diez menos veinte. (It is 9:40. It is 20 until 10.)Son las ocho menos cuarto. (It is 7:45. It is quarter until 8.) Key Takeaways: Telling Time in Spanish The most common way of telling time on the hour in Spanish follows the pattern of es la una for 1:00 and son las [number] for later times.For incremental times, add y [number of minutes up to 29] after the hour and menos [number of minutes up to 29] before the hour.You can also use media and cuarto for the half-hours and quarter-hours, respectively. How To Include Time Periods of the Day In most of the Spanish-speaking world, both 12-hour and 24-hour clocks are used, the latter being common in schedules and similar printed materials. To indicate time of day when using the 12-hour clock, use de la madrugada for the wee hours of the morning, de la maà ±ana from then until noon (mediodà a), de la tarde between noon and early evening, and de la noche from evening to midnight (medianoche). Es medianoche. (Its midnight.)Son las siete y cuarto de la maà ±ana. (Its 7:15 a.m. It is 7:15 in the morning.)Es mediodà a. (Its noon.)Son las cuatro menos cinco de la tarde. (Its 3:55 p.m. It is 5 before 4 in the afternoon.)Son las ocho y media de la noche. (Its 8:30 p.m. It is 8:30 at night.) The abbreviations a.m. (from the Latin ante meridiem) and p.m. (from the Latin post meridiem) can also be used as in English. Son las 4 y media a.m. (It is 4:30 a.m.)Son las 2 p.m. (It is 2 p.m.) Time in the Past When talking about the time that events took place, use the imperfect tense of ser. Era la una y cuatro de la madrugada. (It was 1:15 in the morning.)Era medianoche. (It was midnight.)Eran las once de la noche. (It was 11 at night.) Other Time Expressions Here are time-related expressions and words that can be useful: Son las tres y cuarto en punto. (Its 3:15 exactly.)Son las seis y media ms o menos. (Its about 6:30.)Salimos a las nueve. (We are leaving at 9:00.)Ser la una. Sern las tres. (It will be 1:00. It will be 3:00.)Buenos dà as. (Good day, good morning.)Buenas tardes. (Good afternoon, good evening (until about 8 p.m.).)Buenas noches.(Good evening, good night (as either a greeting or a farewell).) ¿Quà © hora es? (What time is it?) ¿A quà ©Ã‚ hora ...? (At what time ... ?) ¿Cundo ...? (When ... ?)el tiempo (time)el reloj (clock)el despertador, la alarma (alarm clock)el reloj, el reloj de pulsera (wristwatch) Sample Sentences Los Bombers de Mallorca llegaron a la zona a las dos y media de la tarde. (The Mallorca Bombers arrive in the area at 2:30 p.m.) Era ms oscuro que la medianoche. (It was darker than midnight.) La clase comienza a las 10 de la maà ±ana y termina a mediodà a. (The class begins at 10 a.m. and ends at noon.) El sbado tengo que levantarme a las cinco y media de la maà ±ana. (On Saturday I have to get up at 5:30 a.m.) Eran las siete de la tarde y no habà a nadie. (It was 7 p.m. and there was nobody there.)
Friday, November 22, 2019
Assessing the Quality of Education in the Philippines
The goal of this Article is to ensure that quality education will be vailable to Filipinos from all walks of life in four corners of our country. Why powers and functions of and Dep- Ed does the 3 education bodies put into action their duties and powers for delivering of quality education and holistic development of Filipino students and graduates? Dep-Ed, CHED and TESDA are working hand in hand independently from each other. These three education bodies report directly to the Office of the President. Like what was mentioned above, the three sectors are all mandated to ensure the quality of education in their own respective level. The separation of 3 bodies ensures that there would be the necessary attention, priorities and resources for all levels. Each sector also ensures the readiness of a student to the next level. For example, Dep-Ed needs to make sure that the graduating elementary students are all ready and prepared to handle the programs and curriculum of high school level until they finish high schools. A student who finished high school should be ready to the tasks and programs in college either a bachelor degree or vocational courses. Given that these three educational bodies work accordingly and will be given the mandated resources nd budget, the quality of education in the Philippines would soon be competitive and be affordable to every Filipino child. The education plan on the reform to be initiated by the new president of the Philippines. length of education to global standard which was from 10 years to 12 years. I have two stands on this initiative. First, the idea of aligning the length of education to the global standard would be an effective way of ensuring that our grade school and high school students have the enough time to get the necessary quality of education Time as evolved so fast and it has been said that the only constant in world is change. It could be Just appropriate to align our education duration to global standard to ensure our students would be able to cope with the rapid- changing society. On the other hand, this initiative would only be effective to private schools whose students are fewer than the students in public schools. Also, I do not agree with this initiative as I do not see any problem with the length of education in the Philippines even if it doesnt really follow the global standard. I believed that it is not the length of basic ducation that we need to focus on. Philippines was able to make good and topped student that has excel in many filel and in many countries with the education we have. What we need to focus on are the numbers of classrooms and facilities in public school, strengthening the research for all levels and increasing the numbers of public teachers. We need to focus on the materials and resources we are to give to our education sector and strengthen the existing policy for us all to be effective. Give your stand regarding the criticism on sex education by the Dep- Ed and church? Sex education has been one of the 3 most controversial topic across all corners in the Philippines. For the longest time, sex education has been the discrepancy of parents whether to discuss it with their children or not. I partially agree to the motion of sex education among our students. I guess it would be time for our students to end their curiosity. Sex, whether we like it or not, is a subject we all need to discuss with our kids. We got no choice but to discuss sex with them since this is something that has been abused by many young people. Sex has been abused and has been done because young people were not disciplined and educated to them. It is said in the bible that sex is a gift from God and should only be done by a married couple. It is also said in the bible that God asked us to promulgate. However, it is also mentioned in the bible that once we have promulgate across all over the world then it we need to take the measures to control it. Young people, at the right time and at the right way, needs to be educated with sex. A good curriculum is needed to ensure good education regarding sex to our young people.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 14
Marketing - Essay Example The essay elaborates the marketing mix of Tide along with the target market. Tide has adopted many marketing strategies in order to keep their market share. Few of the strategies are discussed in the essay. Not only in US the brand has captured other market too by its products and has been successfully penetrating more areas which are not yet tapped by the brand. Tide has tapped foreign market like India (Loudon, 2002). Tide has targeted their customers and positioned the products in such a way that they have made their products a unique one among the mass. Tide has also faced with environmental issues in foreign markets which have been discussed in the section. Product Overview Tide detergent powder is a well known brand in the detergent industry which was first introduced in 1946. It is the market leader in 23 countries worldwide. Tide is regarded as P & G’s flagship brand. It was first introduced in US market as the synthetic detergent for heavy-duty and machine cleaning. T ide has initially started with white powdered bead but later it has included orange tinged liquid form in 1984. Today both the non-ultra and ultra products are dark blue in color with an exception of the product Tide Free which is clear in color. Tide had introduced a large array of products such as Tide Liquid, Tide with Febreze Freshness, Tide Powder, Tide Coldwater and many more. All the products that fall under the brand umbrella â€Å"Tide†has the four main utilities such as: 1. Convenient to use and have reasonable price to target the lower income class. 2. Washing at normal temperature (both hand and machine wash). 3. It saves water and also time. 4. Removes stubborn strains, protects color and leaves fresh smell even after the cloth is dry. Target market of Tide in US and India Tide brand first test marketed its products in the US market to see the reaction among the users of the product (Kotler, 2012).When the result came positive they were encouraged to make the pr oduct more aware among the mass so that they start using their new brand. Through many marketing strategies they penetrated the market and made a significant in the laundry market. The company has made extensive consumer research and then they have come to the following conclusions: 1. Women take the main decision of choosing any brand of home products. 2. The lower income group use bars of detergent to wash their utensils. 3. Women want their family’s well being and thus they want the maximum value out of the brand. 4. Women are quite price sensitive customers. They want products which are reasonable in price and also give satisfaction after using it. 5. Every household want to use such detergents which are long lasting and does not erode away in few uses. They even want detergent bars which are tough so that they not melt fast and are wasted. Thus from the above conclusions it can be said that Tide’s main target customers are the women group. Tide has always tried to contribute to the households to its maximum by providing them with the detergent powders which will make their cloths smooth and clean. Tide in US has targeted the women group as well as the lower income group. Women in US are basically working and thus they prefer to use a detergent which will be quickly effecting and is free from hassle. They do not have much time to wash the same cloth a many times if the dirt is not cleaned in first wash. Thus they require a reliable detergent powder which will do its work perfectly. Tide fulfills the need of these women by
Monday, November 18, 2019
Using the theory of conflict transformation prepare a brief for the Essay
Using the theory of conflict transformation prepare a brief for the Israeli government detailing why the creation of a bi-national state is their best response to strikes in early September - Essay Example ive results, include the initiatives like Clinton parameters of 2000, the Taba talks of 2001, the road map of 2002-3, the Nusseibeh-Ayalon Plan, and the Geneva Accords of 2003. Failures of such initiatives have made it clear that in the absence of any fruitful dispute resolution formula, fighting and bloodshed would worsen the situation further. The international community as well as the UN resolutions has not been successful in resolving the dispute in accordance with international law. The idea of two nation theory, circulated in different forms for the last five decades, has been advocated by scholars and intellectuals alike from both sides. The Israeli government, on its part, has been making it clear through its recent policies and strategies that it is in no mood to resolve the impasse through the two-nation theory – the theory of conflict transformation (Hadi, Passia Publications). 1 The creation of a bi-national state is not only in the best interest of Palestinians but also for the people and government of Israel, embarking on an era of peaceful co-existence, bringing an end to the type of missile attacks on the towns and cities of Israel. There is need to look at the dispute from different angles – historical, conceptual, and religious sides as well, involving the refugee question, Jerusalem, the settlement issue and the future geography of Pales tine/Israel. In the background of fresh missile attack on the town of Sderot by Islamic extremists, it is in the overall interests of both communities and the government of Israel to reconsider the theory of conflict transformation – the basis of the creation of bi-national state (OLoughlin) 2. The theory of conflict transformation, as propounded by Dr. Johan Galtung, Head – Transcend, is based on non-violence, creativity and empathy to make both parties move further from a static position to a realistic relationship. It is in sharp contrast to the earlier approach of diplomatic war of words and war
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Exploring Geneses and Linkages Essay Example for Free
Exploring Geneses and Linkages Essay The contours of international relations changed dramatically during the 20th century, which saw three great conflicts on the world stage. While the First and the Second World Wars were largely located in Europe but found the participation of every major power across the globe, the Cold War split the international system into two ideologically distinct parts, and escalated the scale and scope of contestation beyond Europe. The aim of this essay is to reflect upon the causes behind each of the great wars of the previous century, and also to explore the linkages (and resulting continuity) between one to the next. By looking at the origins of the First World War, we shall find the genesis of the Second, and by analyzing the circumstances of the latter’s conclusion, we shall seek to explicate the onset of the Cold War. The origins of the First World War, which stretched from 1914 to 1918, lay primarily in two distinct geopolitical developments of the late 19th and early 20th century. The first of these was the unification of the German state following the relative period of peace in the wake of the Napoleonic Wars. In 1871, the German unification found the dominance of a singular territory at the center of Europe. Even though thee were initial reservations against German expansionism, the country’s imperial aspirations soon became apparent. A growing population, vast territories, military and industrial growth in an emergent Germany upset the European balance of power at the beginning of the 20th century. As a response, Great Britain, France, and Tsarist Russia formed an alliance, which sought to curtail Germany’s increasing search for territory and markets, with North Africa and the Middle East emerging as primary spheres of contention. While the former alliance maintained that they were safeguarding national interests against German imperialism, the latter claimed it was the victim of the imperial system that restricted access to new opportunities. Matters came to a head in 1914 and war ensued between the imperial alliance and revisionist Germany. A great degree of debate surrounds the causation of the First World War’s outbreak, with some historians squarely placing the blame on Germany, while others arguing that the War resulted out of a series of chain reactions in part due to the manner in which German military plans were conceived. The War ended with a victory for the Anglo-French alliance, but the Tsar of Russia was overthrown by the (communist) Red Army in the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. The post-War settlement came at Versailles in 1919, with Britain and France held Germany completely responsible for the conflict. Therefore, the settlement – though there were disagreements among the victors over its terms – was harsh on Germany, and included a series of reparations that critically undermined Germany’s status in Europe. Germany was forced to demilitarize, while France occupied the strategic and resource-rich territories of the Rhineland. Perhaps the most humiliating of all clauses in the Treaty of Versailles, however, was the â€Å"War Guilt†clause, which demanded heavy economic extractions from Germany. These were presumably done because it was a popular move domestically for the Allies and also because it provided the opportunity to permanently curb German efforts to fight major wars. These strategies, however, proved imprudent in the end. One of the distinguishing features of the post-First World War world order was the formation of the League of Nations, an international organization based on the premise of common objectives and collective security. Though the League served as the precursor to the United Nations, its implementation left its leading voice – American president Woodrow Wilson – dissatisfied. The League adopted a policy of appeasement, without bearing down on Italian, German, or Japanese aggression in the 1930s, and precipitated the onset of the Second World War in 1939. However, World War II (which lasted from 1939 to 1945) had much deeper origins in the Treaty of Versailles than in the failings of collective security. We must remember that the harshness of the Treaty had embittered the German population, and the same set the scene for Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist Party to come to power in 1933. Soon after, democratic institutions in Germany were obliterated and replaced by the Nazi propagandist machinery; Hitler began rearming the country and massively investing in industry and technological innovation, while adopting a policy of anti-Semitism socially. In Europe, a series of crises spiraled out of control and led to the outbreak of war. Italian annexation of Abyssinia, German remilitarization of the Rhineland, and expansion into Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland, and sustained civil war in Spain were all contributing factors. Soviet Russia, under the leadership of Joseph Stalin, entered into a non-aggression pact with Germany in 1939, so as to secure its western borders; this provided Hitler with the opportunity to concentrate on the rest of Europe, as he gradually unfurled his plans of continental domination. There remains a considerably vigorous debate with respect to the origins of the War in Europe, as many historians see it as an extension of the First World War, with the structural imbalances resulting out of the rise of and alliance between Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. Others claim that it was a war effort carefully constructed and implemented by Hitler, who had prepared meticulously for the War throughout the 1930s, turning the German state into an efficient war machine. It must be noted, however, that the formal declaration of war in 1939 came from Great Britain and France. A significant difference between the First and Second World Wars was the proliferation of war in the Eastern front, as Japan joined hands with Germany and Italy to form the Axis powers. The Meiji Restoration in Japan, Japanese expansionism in China and the Manchurian Crisis of 1931 opened the casket of war in East Asia, and Japanese aggression on the United States (US) – the (in)famous Pearl Harbor bombings – in 1941 meant that the latter had to terminate its isolationist policy and enter the War. In Europe, the German invasion of Soviet Russia in 1941 facilitated the alliance of Stalin’s regime with the Allied Powers. The last two incidents are noteworthy because these tilted the strategic and military balance in favor of the Allies, leading to an eventual victory in 1945. The Second World War remains the bloodiest military conflict in the history of humanity, and left most of Europe devastated. However, even before the dust could settle on the scourge of war, a new form of conflict emerged, as the US and the Soviet Union (USSR) found themselves vying for supremacy at the world stage; the end of the War had seen the traditional great powers depleted in resources and influence, and this power vacuum attracted both the Americans and the Soviets. The ensuing Cold War between these two superpowers would define the topography of international politics for the next four and a half decades. There, however, were other lessons to be drawn from the end of the Second World War, which inform us about the onset of the Cold War. The Wartime alliance amongst the US and the USSR had grown fragile by 1945, and serious disagreements ensued over post-War settlements. On the eastern front, World War II in effect ended with America’s explosion of the atomic bomb in Japan (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) in 1945. This also confirmed the US’ position as the sole nuclear power, while the USSR retained a conventional superiority in Europe. Even before the latter could attain nuclear parity (which happened in 1949), the two superpowers were at loggerheads as both attempted to assert their influence over Europe, culminating in the Berlin Blockade of 1948, which concretized the Iron Curtain that divided Western and Eastern Europe. The Cold War was characterized by a struggle for power between the US and the USSR, in order to achieve global dominance, both in terms of ideology and military might. The East-West conflict was organized by way of two monumental alliances: the US-led North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the USSR-led Warsaw Pact. Further, a nuclear arms race was another defining feature of the Cold War, with massive arsenals stockpiled by either side. Though the world came close to Armageddon more than once (especially during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962), nuclear deterrence preserved the bipolar peace of the Cold War. We find that there are three distinct interpretations of the Cold War. The first understand the conflict as a contest between rival ideologies – liberalism and communism – that tore the world asunder from 1945 to 1991. This ideological divide not only resulted from the unique histories and political cultures of the United States and Russia, the ideologies in turn determined policies, further reinforcing the divide. A second explanation of the Cold War casts the conflict as a geopolitical struggle where adversaries of relatively equal strength endeavored to gather more power and influence over other states in the international system. In this view, the Cold War was nothing but a clash of national interests. Another view sees the Cold War as the result of technological developments, most importantly nuclear weapons, culminating in a deadly arms race between the two superpowers. A major characteristic of the Cold War remained that there was never any direct confrontation, except in diplomatic circles, between the two rivals; instead a series of proxy wars were fought across the globe, designed to advance superpower interests. The end of the Cold War, again, is an event surrounded by debate. Many suggest that it was the aggressive stance of the Reagan administration that brought an end to the conflict, while others claim that it was a result of changes in Soviet policies under Mikhail Gorbachev. Thus, we find in our exploration of the three major conflicts of the 20th century that there remain several linkages that establish continuity from one to the other. All of these bear historical significance in our understanding of war and, in effect, lead the paths to the present when contemplating about international conflicts.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Maya Angelou Essay example -- essays research papers
Maya Angelou has dedicated her life to end prejudices faced by many black females in the 20th century. As an author, poet, and entertainer, she is known best for her strong portrayal of African-American women. Some of her most outstanding work is the series of autobiographies that she wrote telling about her childhood. Her work has contributed immensely to Americans everywhere. She has also broken many barriers for black women in writing, entertainment, and in film making. Maya Angelou is definitely a positive role model to people everywhere. Maya Angelou has made many contributions through her poetry, writing, songwriting, acting, and film directing. She has written a series of autobiographical books focusing on her childhood until the birth of her own child, ten of which have appeared on the best selling list (â€Å"Biography†1). The most prestigious of the novels is I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. This is a very controversial novel dealing with many serious issues including rape and murder. It is her most critically acclaimed work and was nominated for the National Book Award (â€Å"Maya American†1). She often writes using a female as the strong role model. In addition, she has published many distinguished poems which have received recognition by many people including President Clinton. Her poem â€Å"On the Pulse of Morning†was chosen by President Clinton to be read at the 1993 presidential inauguration. Many of her volumes of poetry have been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize inclu...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Analysis of Tich Miller Essay
The poem â€Å"Tich Miller†by Wendy Cope is about two schoolgirls named Tich Miller and Tubby. Tubby is explaining different incidents that she experienced in her youth, which caused quite some trauma for her and Tich Miller. We don’t know the gender of Tubby but I am assuming that Tubby is a girl. Tubby is telling us about how Tich and she always were the last persons to be picked for outdoor games. When the team had to pick players the last person to be picked was always Tich who stood back and was not picked. Tubby says that it was because she was, â€Å"the lesser dud†, when the teams had to take them in consideration. It is my impression that Tubby and Tich are almost equal if you look at their social status but Tubby is just a tiny bit more â€Å"cool†and therefore she gets picked before Tich. In the first stanza of the poem there is a small characterisation of Tich Miller. It only says that she wears glasses and had one foot three sizes larger than the other. Tich is described as a very shy and clumsy child and therefore she as described stood behind, unnoticed or disregarded, when they picked teams for outdoor games. I think the incident that she is describing completely altered the course of her life. It affected her self-consciousness throughout the rest of her life. Tubby seems quite clever and knows that she needs to adapt for getting through the bullying. She can take criticism, which Tich cannot. It does not seem like Tubby and Tich are very good friends. The poem states that they are not making any eye contact nor are they talking to each other. I would expect them to stand together when they are getting bullied but actually the opposite happens. They are avoiding each other and that appears to be a bad decision for both of them. You could imagine that Tubby is chubby and therefore the name. She is being treated like Tich unnoticed and overlooked. Both of them are having a hard time in school. They do not fit in like the other kids. I think that they, due to having been through some traumatising situations have developed some kind of social awkwardness. None of them want to step forward and contradict the bullies. I took notice of the sentence â€Å"affecting interest in the flight of some fortunate bird†. Especially the use of the word â€Å"fortunate†grabbed my mind. Both of them probably want to be the bird. Be able to just fly away from everything and get to a new place where they can develop a better life. It is my understanding the names in this story, Tubby and Tich, have not been chosen randomly. I think that it could be like Chubby and Tiny if you described them. . The two girls were unselected only because Tubby was chubby, and Tich was tiny, hideous and wore glasses. The last stanza is the turning point of this poem. It is the sentence that makes you think about what the poem really wants to say. It makes you feel frustrated and sad at the same time. When you read the last stanza the sentence, â€Å"Tich is dead†, the first thing that comes to your mind is of course suicide. You can tell that the change of school when they turned 11 years old had two different outcomes for the girls. While Tich probably committed suicide, Tubby stepped up and actually started being a bully. She becomes one of bad guys and start bullying the hockey players who cannot read. All the hatred that developed when she was younger was pointed at other kids now. It was terrible for both of these young girls. They wanted to move on when they went to different schools but none of them succeeded. I think it is tragic that no parents or teachers stepped in and tried to stop it earlier. While I think suicide is the most egoistic thing person can do I still believe people should be allowed to do whatever they please, so long as it doesn’t infringe on another persons right to do what they want. When you think about it your life is the only thing you really own. There are different themes this poem touches on. First and foremost the topic growing up comes to my mind. The poem is about two girls and their experiences trough their childhood. Another topic could be suicide. You could ask the question, â€Å"Why does Tich Miller die at the age of twelve?†The poem doesn’t reveal this but part of the message of the poem could be that bullying can have serious consequences. So serious that it can lead to people losing the will to live and therefore taking their own lives. The last message I could think of was hierarchy. Every school has its hierarchy. Some people are popular and some are not. The poem Tich Miller gives an insight into the world of the less fortunate namely a view of the least popular and how they try to survive every day of school. Even Tubby who is at the bottom of the hierarchy knows that Tich is even lower than her and that she therefore should avoid her. Being associated with a â€Å"loser†such as Tich will make her even more unpopular and move her further down the hierarchy. If I were to compare it to another poem it would be â€Å"Clara’s Day†. It is as well about an insecure teenager and how she feels growing up. Going through the same problems as these young girls.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Georgia State Troopers
The Georgia State Patrol Trooper is considered to be the premier uniformed law enforcement job in the State of Georgia. It should be noted that although the Georgia State Patrol is small, this state law enforcement organization is considered to be highly professional. Compared to most other states nationally the State Troopers are the lowest paid? Unfortunately this impacts retention, but moreover morale. Most Trooper Cadets are more status conscious than money conscious. The State of Georgia is experiencing one the nation’s highest unemployment rates.The State is virtually in a hiring freeze. Although the Department of Public Safety has made numerous request for additional State Troopers the state legislature has delayed the passage of a two percent pay increase for all state employees, including the Department of Public Safety. The state legislature has further denied the Department of Public Safety’s requests for two hundred additional Trooper Cadets; the State of Ge orgia is strapped for cash as tax revenues have decreased significantly in recent years.Even Colleges and Universities have consolidated their administrative functions. Two or three Universities within a hundred miles of one another will share admissions, registrar and finance operations. Perhaps on a cursory examination by either a trained professional or a serious criminal justice student, the Georgia Department of Public Safety organization hierarchy can provide a pedantic explanation about the significant recruiting and retention problem areas.The State of Georgia comingles resources and over relies on the Merit System for recruiting and hiring state employees. Every State Department has a Commissioner. For example the Department of Public Safety in the State of Georgia Commissioner is Colonel MarkW. McDonough. Commissoner Col. Mark W. McDonough is a political appointment as is Georgia State Patrol’s Division Head’s and Deputy Division Commissioner. Other examples include Departments of Juvenile Justice and Department of Corrections that have the same organizational profiles.Department and or Divisions have Deputy Commissioners. These higher levels of administrative personnel positions secured through appointments, not elected or necessarily merit based The most interesting employment capacity is Captain Ronnie Rhodes, the head of the Capitol Police. Within the Department of Public Safety the organizational flow chart on page four suggests Captain Rhodes is in field operations and serves and protects the legislature and Governor, the Lt. Governor, and visiting dignitaries.They also direct traffic near and around government buildings. Regardless, many of these State Troopers are assigned in the capitol area, and only in Atlanta, Georgia. Navigating the Department’s Web Site and examining outdated textbooks suggested an organizational structure woefully lacking in critical understanding for the casual observer. Further investigation into the organization hierarchy revealed that Field Operations, Major Ed Grier possesses the supervisory responsibility.Within his purview and field of operations are the State Troopers and Trooper Cadets, they number approximately eleven hundred men and women law enforcement officials. A majority, of eight hundred, and fifty officers patrol the counties, State, and federal roadways. Most female troopers reside and work in municipalities that have a Motor Vehicle Division. Clerical and administrative tasks include license issuance, renewals, and Administrative license renewal hearings for driving under the influence suspects.State of Georgia State of Georgia Department of Public Safety Department of Public Safety Organizational Chart Organizational Chart ( Georgia State Patrol ) ( Georgia State Patrol )Commissioner Col. Mark McDonnough Special Investigations Angie Holt Legal Services Melissa Rogers Deputy Commissioner Lt. Col. Russell Powell Aviation Billy Smith Comptroller Peter Ad ams Field Ops Maj Ed Grier Motor Ops Lt Gene DavisCapitol Police Lt Ron RhodesHeadquarters Maj Hank FieldHuman Resource Lisa Maier A crucial section of the Department of Public Safety is Human Resources. Lisa Maier is the Supervising individual that reviews applicants who apply via State of Georgia Merit Systems.The State of Georgia funnels from the pool of applicants specifying in their respective generic State form the State Trooper or Trooper Cadet Job position. The Trooper candidate must pass a Georgia Merit System written examination before Lisa Maier reviews the application. The State of Georgia does not have an Assessment/Training Center, consequently other than thorough background and credit history, polygraph examinations, and psychological examinations may be contracted to an outside agency. These assessments are not required.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Facts and Figures About Plesiosaurus, the Long-Necked Marine Reptile
Facts and Figures About Plesiosaurus, the Long-Necked Marine Reptile As you may already have surmised from its name, Plesiosaurus is the eponymous member of the family of marine reptiles known as plesiosaurs, which were characterized by their sleek bodies, wide flippers, and relatively small heads set at the end of long necks. These Mesozoic reptiles were once famously described as looking like a snake threaded through the shell of a turtle, although it was quickly established that they didnt have shells and were only distantly related to modern testudines. Plesiosaurs were closely related to, but distinct from, pliosaurs, contemporary marine reptiles possessing thicker torsos, shorter necks, and longer heads. The eponymous member of the pliosaur family was – you guessed it – Pliosaurus. Like all marine reptiles, Plesiosaurus was not technically a dinosaur, having evolved from different antecedents in the reptile family tree. Theres a lot we still dont know about Plesiosaurus, which, like many name brand prehistoric reptiles, is much less well understood than the family to which it gave its name. (For a terrestrial parallel, think of the enigmatic Hadrosaurus and the well-known family of dinosaurs to which it belonged, the hadrosaurs, or duck-billed dinosaurs). Discovered very early in paleontological history by the pioneering English fossil hunter Mary Anning in 1823, Plesiosaurus created a sensation back in the early 19th century. Scientists at the time didnt quite know what to make of this 15-foot-long, 120-million-year-old beast. However, Plesiosaurus wasnt the first marine reptile to be discovered in England; that honor belongs to the distantly related Ichthyosaurus. The Lifestyle of Plesiosaurus Plesiosaurs in general, and Plesiosaurus in particular, werent the most accomplished swimmers, ​since they lacked the hydrodynamic builds of their bigger, meaner and more streamlined cousins, the pliosaurs. To date, its unknown whether Plesiosaurus and its ilk lumbered onto dry land to lay their eggs or gave birth to live young while still swimming (though the latter is the increasingly favored possibility). We do know, however, that plesiosaurs went extinct along with the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, and have not left any living descendants. (Why is this important? Well, many otherwise well-meaning people insist that the putative Loch Ness Monster is actually a plesiosaur that survived extinction!) The heyday of the plesiosaurs and pliosaurs was the middle-to-late Mesozoic Era, especially the late Jurassic and early Cretaceous period; by the end of the Mesozoic Era, these marine reptiles had been widely supplanted by even more vicious mosasaurs, which likewise succumbed to the K/T Extinction 65 million years ago. The big fish/bigger fish template applies throughout evolutionary history; an argument has been made that mosasaurs partly went extinct because of the increasing diversity and dominance of sharks, the best-equipped marine predators yet evolved by Mother Nature. Name: Plesiosaurus (Greek for almost lizard); pronounced PLEH-see-oh-SORE-us Habitat: Oceans worldwide Historical Period: Early-Middle Jurassic (135-120 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 15 feet long and 1,000 pounds Diet: Fish and mollusks Distinguishing Characteristics: Long neck; tapered body; blunt flippers; small head with sharp teeth
Monday, November 4, 2019
ICD-10 Implementation in the United States Essay
ICD-10 Implementation in the United States - Essay Example According to Sanders (2012), implementation of the ICD-10 will help healthcare providers to document medical complications, catalog diseases, thus making healthcare more effective. The implementation of the clinical adaptation will precisely illustrate the types of medical conditions met by healthcare organizations, and it will reduce medical errors and improve patient health outcomes. It will also help in the reduction of fraud and abuse in the healthcare institution. The transition to ICD-10 dives United States the opportunity to propagate public health disease and surveillance data globally. The healthcare industry in this country continues to advance medically and technologically, and incorporating a more modern coding system will be a major boost in the industry. The coding system offers many advantages that will cause an improvement in hospitals, medical device manufacturers and many more institutions. Enhanced quality care is one of the major benefits since it will lead to improving eminence carefor certain health conditions such as chronic illnesses. With each challenge, there are obstacles that lay ahead. The implementation of ICD-10 has encountered a number of challenges including implementation cost and planning, but in the push for healthcare reforms, it has seen its implementation which has more benefits in improving the healthcare industry. Sanders, TB. (2012). The Road to ICD-10-CM/PCS Implementation: Forecasting the Transition for Providers, Players, and other Healthcare Organizations. Retrieved 22 May 2015, from
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Cover letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 29
Cover letter - Essay Example petencies comprise of Complaints Management Premises Security, Confidentiality Maintenance Quality Assurance, Data Protection Act Compliance, Difficult People Handling and Continued Professional Development Conflict Resolution .In addition, over the course of my career, I have recorded several achievements such as reorganizing the reception area and effectively increased overall efficiency by 30%.I also achieved Medical Records Management, Patient Share Governance, received Greeter Awards 2004 ,Customer Care Ordinance Counselor together with Adult Care Advisor-Ombudsmen of Forsyth County. I am a time conscious and keen individual who always executes her duties with unmatched precision and within the given time frame. I am a firm believer in team work and tries as much as possible to collaborate and partner with my colleagues through sharing and building workable relationships. I am always keen on learning the latest industry trends and normally seek to adopt and incorporate them in m y work whenever possible. Finally I have excellent oral and written communication skills in addition to being equipped with exceptional presentation skills. Above all, I am a God fearing person and my integrity is above par. It’s my hope that you will kindly consider my application and invite me for an interview. I am very sure that I can make a big difference in your valuable team. Looking forward to working with you. Thank you for your time and kind
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