Monday, August 24, 2020
The Rules of Using Positive and Negative Integers
The Rules of Using Positive and Negative Integers Entire numbers, which are figures that don't have divisions or decimals, are additionally called whole numbers. They can have one of two qualities: positive or negative. Positive integersâ have values more noteworthy than zero.Negative numbers have values under zero. Zero is neither positive nor negative. The guidelines of how to function with positive and negative numbers are significant on the grounds that youll experience them in every day life, for example, in adjusting a financial balance, figuring weight, or planning plans. Tips for Success Like any subject, prevailing in arithmetic takes practice and persistence. A few people discover numbers simpler to work with than others do. Here are a couple of tips for working with positive and negative integers:Context can assist you with comprehending new concepts. Try and think about a down to earth application like keeping track of who's winning when youre practicing.Using a number line indicating the two sides of zero is useful to help build up the comprehension of working with positive and negative numbers/integers.Its simpler to monitor the negative numbers in the event that you wall them in sections. Expansion Regardless of whether youre including positives or negatives, this is the most straightforward figuring you can do with whole numbers. In the two cases, youre just figuring the aggregate of the numbers. For instance, if youre including two positive whole numbers, it would seem that this: 5 4 9 In the event that youre ascertaining the whole of two negative numbers, it would appear that this: (â€7) (â€2) - 9 To get the whole of a negative and a positive number, utilize the indication of the bigger number and take away. For instance: (â€7) 4 â€36 (â€9) â€3(â€3) 7 45 (â€3) 2 The sign will be that of the bigger number. Recollect that including a negative number is equivalent to taking away a positive one. Deduction The principles for deduction are like those for expansion. On the off chance that youve got two positive whole numbers, you would deduct the more modest number from the bigger one. The outcome will consistently be a positive whole number: 5â †3 2 In like manner, if you somehow managed to deduct a positive number from a negative one, the count turns into a matter of expansion (with the expansion of a negative worth): (â€5)â †3 â€5 (â€3) â€8 On the off chance that youreâ subtracting negatives from positives, the two negatives offset and it becomes expansion: 5â †(â€3) 5 3 8 On the off chance that youre deducting a negative from another negative whole number, utilize the indication of the bigger number and take away: (â€5)â †(â€3) (â€5) 3 â€2(â€3) †(â€5) (â€3) 5 2 In the event that you get confounded, it frequently assists with composing a positive number in a condition first and afterward the negative number. This can make it simpler to see whether a sign change happens. Duplication Duplicating numbers is genuinely straightforward in the event that you recall the accompanying guideline. On the off chance that the two whole numbers are either positive or negative, the complete will consistently be a positive number. For instance: 3 x 2 6(â€2) x (â€8) 16 Be that as it may, in the event that you are duplicating a positive whole number and a negative one, the outcome will consistently be a negative number: (â€3) x 4 â€123 x (â€4) â€12 In the event that youre duplicating a bigger arrangement of positive and negative numbers, you can include what number of are sure and what number of are negative. The last sign will be the one in excess.â Division Likewise with increase, the principles for separating whole numbers follow a similar positive/negative guide. Separating two negatives or two positives yields a positive number: 12/3 4(â€12)/(â€3) 4 Partitioning one negative whole number and one positive number outcomes in a negative figure: (â€12)/3 â€412/(â€3) â€4
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Assessing The Difference Between Crime And Defiance Criminology Essay
Evaluating The Difference Between Crime And Defiance Criminology Essay Wrongdoing and Deviance, is a significant theme which influences generally every general public in todays world. When characterizing wrongdoing and abnormality, it will depend of the standards and estimations of a general public. Numerous social orders have a wide range of qualities and standards. Standards of society, is the place all general public individuals are required to fit in with specific practices. Estimations of a general public, is the place a general public qualities something which all general public individuals comply with. For instance, numerous social orders esteem particular sorts of religion, for example, Christianity or Buddhism and numerous different kinds of religion. Wrongdoing in the public eye, is normally quite certain, that it conflicts with the laws of society. Individuals who carry out violations, are overstepping the law and whenever got, must be rebuffed. Individuals can be rebuffed for perpetrating wrongdoings, for example, thievery, harm to people groups property, murder and attack. Individuals who are seen as liable of perpetrating violations, must be rebuffed by the courtrooms. Wrongdoing is a relative idea. This implies how a general public perspectives criminal acts, can contrast. Criminal acts in a single society, may not be viewed as a criminal demonstration in another general public. Society may likewise vary in how to rebuff individuals for carrying out explicit criminal acts. (Brush and Selznick, 1963 p 540,541). When taking a gander at wrongdoing in the public arena, it is imperative to take a gander at the physiological and mental methodologies according to wrongdoing. These methodologies have been censured. Taking a gander at the physiological methodology, a natural hypothesis was done by Cesare Lombroso. Cesare Lombroso, attempted to see whether there was an association among wrongdoing and organic causes. In 1876, Cesare Lombroso did examine called LUomo Delinquente. Cesare Lombroso (1835 1909), concocted the proposal that hoodlums could be recognized utilizing certain physical characterisitics, for example, enormous jaws, low temples and inordinate body hair. Cesare Lombrosos work was excused, on the grounds that the hypothesis was just centered around the hoodlums, in jail. This hypothesis neglected to consider, why a few people who have comparative human qualities, are found all through the world. The hypothesis, neglected to clarify how certain physical human traits recognize lawbreakers from individuals who don't carry out crimes. (Macionis and Plummer,1998. P207) The mental methodology proposes that criminal conduct, could be disclosed because of the people mental make up and procedures, for example, character, instead of the people physical attributes. Hans Eysenck, completed research in Crime and character in 1964. Hans Eysenck, proposed that it was conceivable that specific character attributes that individuals have can make certain individuals impervious to train than others.(Stephenson,1992. Page 7). Hans Eysenck additionally proposed that individuals with certain character qualities would be bound to carry out criminal behaviours.(Stephenson,1992. Page 7). Generally, utilizing the physiological and mental methodology has been scrutinized as it doesn't consider a few factors, for example, investigating how originations of good and bad at first rise,.(Macionis and Plummer,1998. P208). Abnormality can be characterized as conduct which doesn't comply with specific standards of a particular society.(Haralambos Holborn,2008). Aberrance can be clarified as a more extensive term than wrongdoing. It isn't explicit and degenerate conduct may not be criminal. Freak conduct can be sure and the conduct can be compensated. A case of positive freak conduct can be warriors battling for their nation. They might be compensated for their valiance and mental fortitude. Freak conduct can likewise be negative. A case of contrary freak conduct may incorporate individuals who submit murder. This may conflict with the societys estimation of the value of each person and standards, bringing about extreme discipline. Some freak conduct might be endured in todays society. The conduct isn't rebuffed or remunerated, by society individuals. (Haralambos Holborn,2008 P.321). Numerous social orders have acknowledged same sex connections and families, which would not have been acknowledged numerous years back. They are not compensated or rebuffed, they are endured in the general public. Laws of society can change, which depends on the standards and estimations of society individuals. As change can occur, wrongdoing and abnormality can change also. It is hard to give full meaning of abnormality, as there is no finished way. It is an expansive territory of research. Conduct which was seen as unsatisfactory and degenerate, might be acknowledged in todays society or later on. For instance, in certain societies in the past it was viewed as degenerate for ladies to smoke and to wear make up in broad daylight places. These days, ladies have more opportunity to wear make up or to smoke in broad daylight places. Another model is homosexuality. Prior to 1969, it was illicit for men to have gay relations. As the laws changed in 1969, it was made lawful that men beyond twenty one years old could have gay relations.(Haralambos Holborn, 2008. P322). The well known author, Oscar Wilde was detained for having an unlawful relationship with Lord Alfred Douglas before the 1967 Sexual Offenses Act was passed. (Johnston,2002.) Aberrance is socially determined(Haralambos Holborn,2008. P322). This implies freak conduct can change because of various societies or a few social orders may acknowledge specific sorts of practices, though different social orders may discover the conduct unsatisfactory. (Haralambos Holborn, 2008 p 322). The functionalist hypothesis comparable to the theme wrongdoing and aberrance is functionalists consider society to be an entire, utilizing a full scale level methodology. Functionalists center around additional on the wellsprings of aberrance in the public arena, not how individuals submit degenerate conduct in a general public. Functionalists propose that wrongdoing and abnormality can give an a positive capacity in the public arena. Individuals may feel as a feature of a network and all the more piece of a general public. A case of this is the point at which the Dunblane Tragedy happened. This influenced numerous individuals, which shaped to a greater extent a closeness in the public eye. Emile Durkheim recommended that a specific degree of wrongdoing and aberrance is vital, all together for a general public to work. The wrongdoing and abnormality levels may get broken if crime percentages increment. This can make a general public whose social request is upset, which can make soci al bedlam. In the event that crime percentages decline, stagnation may happen where the general public may not work appropriately. Robert Merton (1968) recommends that anomie, where individuals feel normlessness in a general public, could occur if a general public doesn't work appropriately. Emile Durkheim additionally recommended that a few citizenry, may defy societys standards and qualities. A few people may have various perspectives on the standards and estimations of society. Functionalists additionally propose the wrongdoing can deliver work for individuals in the public eye. Functionalists propose that without crooks, numerous individuals in the police power, jail laborers, court laborers would not have work. A case of a Functionalist hypothesis on Crime and Deviance is Emile Durkheims investigation of suicide(1897). Durkheim for the most part centered around self destruction rates to check whether there was any social conditions which could impact or debilitate individuals from ending it all. Emile Durkheim saw that self destruction rates appeared to increase more during times of political hardship during 1848, around various European nations. Emile Durkheim perceived that self destruction rates may be identified with social steadiness and combination of society. Utilizing this hypothesis, Emile Durkheim utilized an alternate arrangement of information, mostly from European nations. Watching the self destruction rates in various European nations he saw that they were equivalently contrasts yet started to see a theme. Most nations who rehearsed Protestant as their religion had the most noteworthy self destruction rates than nations who for the most part rehearsed Catholic as their religion. Primary protestant nations had one hundred and ninety suicides for each million individuals. These figures were contrasted with blended protestant and catholic confidence nations who had ninety six suicides for each million individuals. Primary catholic nations had fifty eight suicides for each million individuals. Emile Durkheim started to think about whether there was a connection among self destruction and religion. Durkheim attempted to take a gander at different factors, for example, monetary and social contrasts. In the wake of taking a gander at the self destruction paces of Bavaria in Germany where for the most part catholic individuals remained there was a low number of suicides. Emile Durkheim at that point took a gander at the self destruction paces of Prussia where basically individuals had a protestant confidence. He noticed that Prussia had a higher self destruction rate than Bavaria. Emile Durkheim at that point inferred that religion is identified with self destruction. Utilizing this hypothesis and the data he gathered previously, he inferred that self destruction can be because of Anomie. This implies when a general public is normlessness, where there is absence of social strength and incorporation. During political hardship, individuals may feel not a piece of society and feel self destruction is the main way out. Durkheim reasoned that there is low self destruction rates in Catholic nations on the grounds that there was increasingly social control and strength that the religion brings than the protestant nations. Durkheim presumes that social solidness and coordination goes about as an insurance for individuals in the public arena from instability and self destruction. To assess the Functionalist point of view on wrongdoing and aberrance, is that the functionalist hypothesis gives a large scale level methodology. It takes a gander at the master plan, giving more understanding into how a general public structures identifying with wrongdoing and abnormality. It gives a superior discussion, in regards to how the natural hypothesis identifies with wrongdoing. Anomie, portrayed in Robert Mertons hypothesis (1968) gives more top to bottom sociological intuition, into todays society. In any case, Emile Durkheim was reprimanded for utilizing insights that was inconsistent in his investigation of suicide(1897). Durkheims measurements, were just utilized in Europe. No different countrys insights was utilized, so the hypothesis can not be identified with different nations. The insights
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Summer 2010 Internship Post 7 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Summer 2010 Internship Post 7 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog This is the seventh entry in our recap of summer internships completed by SIPA students working in the Admissions Office this year. This time we hear from Lacey Ramirez, a second-year MIA student pursuing a concentration in Economic and Political Development with a specialization in Advanced Policy and Economic Analysis. __________________________ I am very grateful that there is an internship requirement in the SIPA curriculum. It forced me to take the time to seek out a professional experience in my field, whereas I otherwise would have taken a lovely summer vacation somewhere. In the end this will make me a stronger professional candidate when it comes time to apply for a job after I complete my Master’s program. When I was narrowing down the type of summer internship I wanted, I decided that I wanted to do international development consulting at a private firm. This was an area of the development world that I had no prior exposure to, and I was very curious to encounter what it was like. In securing this position, I learned the essential value of networking. It was by networking that I was able to make a contact at the private firm called Chemonics and have my résumé considered. Chemonics is an international development consulting firm. They mainly contract with USAID, and they are implementing and managing projects in all the major sectors in every major region of the world. It was a very exciting opportunity, as it was a paid internship and would also give me the consulting/program management opportunity that I eagerly sought. My internship was based in D.C. (sadly I didn’t get to go overseas), and my assignments were to work on three project teams. One of the projects was working on public-private partnerships in the Philippines to increase the access to and sustainability reproductive health and family planning care. Another project was a value-chain linkages project in Bangladesh, and the last project was a financial sector information sharing project. I was not intimately involved in the creation or technical management of the projects, but I did learn a lot about program management and the many administrative/client relation tasks that go into project it. I had many tasks and duties that required a high level of effort and multi-tasking, and most of my tasks were administrative in nature. Some of my daily tasks included: budgeting, auditing, client/consultant relations, editing project deliverables, and grant program development. Chemonics also provided several training courses to orient employees to the firm and the different work being done in the field. I also had great relationships with my directors who have been practitioners in the field for many years, and they took the time to talk with me about how I might meet my career aspirations and goals. Over all I had a great internship experience. It definitely helped me to further articulate where I want to work in the field of development, and what knowledge and skills I would need to get there. It also gave me a greater perspective of the type of job opportunities in my field.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Essay about When will child labor cease to exist
When will child labor cease to exist? Child labor is and has always been a difficult problem to address. In the global market system which exists today, the problem has become that much more difficult. Now more than ever before, markets are interdependent, and the regulation and governance of them is a convoluted process to say the least. The regulatory structure is not intact; no one knows who will regulate such issues, internationally and locally, governmentally, and in the private sector. Also, current economic practice makes it difficult to in one broad stroke ban the practice of child labor, for fear of eliminating the nation’s area of comparative advantage, cheap labor. Not only is the problem of child labor one of economics,†¦show more content†¦The point raised however is that there is a distinction in child labor that can be made. Approximately 250 million children world wide are engaged in some form of child labor, with a great majority of over thirty percent being in Africa and Asia. Figures indicate that over 170 million of these children work in hazardous conditions, such as mines or factories, or conditions where hazardous materials are handled. Other children are forced into slavery, prostitution rings, or forced into military service, yet UNICEF states that over seventy percent of child laborers work in the agricultural sector, and that the practice of child labor is mostly prevalent in undeveloped countries, with only two million child laborers found in fully industrialized or developing countries. These statistics give us an economic demographic for our study; mainly poor undeveloped nations where it may or may not be necessary for the child to earn a wage for the entire family to survive. The question then arises, what are the most effective methods of reducing child labor in these sectors and nations? There are options available. First Intra national methods. One of these intra national methods for reducing child labor on a state level is mandating a compulsory education for young children, setting up organizations which can help children, and another method is introducing legislation against child labor, such as was done in the United States in the lateShow MoreRelatedThe Social And Economic Aspects Of Labor Overseas1522 Words  | 7 PagesFor the past few years there has been a rise of awareness of major western corporations that tend to exploit their workers in third world countries. On one hand it’s significantly cheaper having labor overseas than back home, but the treatment of these workers is unjust. 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When a child knows that they are not going to go to college, their performance in high school also deteriorates. Arthur Miller portrays this idea through the interactions between Biff and Bernard. Bernard is constantly pestering Biff to study, but Willy saysRead M ore Essay on A Society of Oppression in A Handmaids Tale745 Words  | 3 Pagesarguing that slave labor existed extensively in the Bible (Jews were enslaved by the Egyptians, for example), and therefor God did not condemn the institution. Once a master acquires slaves, or a Handmaid, he must rule over them effectively, to assure that they will meet his needs. To so, the term human must be taken out of consideration (for that may evoke some sort of pity or compassion) and replaced with the term it--detonating property. This is clearly demonstrated when Offred reflects onRead MoreHuman Trafficking is Trading People without their Consent1134 Words  | 4 Pagessexual exploitation, forced labor or slavery. I believe that slavery must be abolished because it robs people of their dignity and human rights, its not advantageous for them and it is an abomination to mankind. The very first form of slavery occurred 400 years ago, where the black africans were abducted from their motherland and shipped to do hard labour in American plantations. Many of us are lead under the deception that slavery in all its forms ceases to exist and that it is a thing of theRead MoreMarx And Rousseau And The Classical Liberal Tradition1739 Words  | 7 Pagesrights that Locke believed to be life, liberty, and property. The classical liberals believed that these rights came from nature as did equality and liberty. The classical liberals thought that people had the right to live the right to owning property when that was prohibited under feudalism. Another new idea that the classical liberal tradition has created is that legitimate authority can only come from the consent of the people. They believed that th ere should be some government in order to propose
Friday, May 8, 2020
Essay Salaries in Major League Baseball - 1280 Words
Salaries in Major League Baseball Every year, it becomes more obvious that many sports in America have problems. For years, Hockey has been criticized for its excessive violence. The National Football League has also been scrutinized for this reason as well as the fact that many of the top players have constantly been in trouble with the law. Major League Baseball is no different. The situation with baseball is more complicated, and is not only ruining the game itself, but also drawing millions of fans away from the sport. The biggest problem is with the high salaries paid to athletes. These salaries are taking the competitiveness out of several sports, especially baseball, where there is no salary cap. Action must be taken†¦show more content†¦They merely raise the ticket prices a few dollars and make twice the amount of the athletes. The fans that come to watch the athletes and who pay nearly $20 to get in the ballpark are padding the pockets of these owners. Statistics taken from online site http :// /03/30/news/baseball/ show that baseball ticket prices have gone up from $16.67 to $18.99 in just one year. A quote from the same online site /baseball/ wrote by Chris Isidore says, Baseball fans going through the turnstiles on opening day across the nation Monday will be paying about 13 percent more than they did last year, according to a survey of prices#8230;The increase makes baseball the sport with the fastest growing prices. Baseball in the United States is no longer Americas Pastime. Baseball has changed to a high priced business, where average players make millions and above average players make tens of millions. To make the situation even worse, the dumbfounded owners and greedy sports agents who contaminate the game and the talented young athletes playing in it, control this business. Many fans throughout the U.S. blame the high priced contracts on the athletes, but they are not the source of the problem. In a sense, the athletes are just getting their piece of the pie. What the athletes makeShow MoreRelatedMajor League Baseball Salary949 Words  | 4 PagesMajor League Baseball Salary 1/C Morris, 2/C Morris and 2/C Turner Major League Baseball players average just over four million a year making it the second highest paying sport. Players determine win-loss records which drives ticket sales which creates revenue and so on. This is why player salaries is one of the most critical aspects of running a MLB team. These salaries are negotiated using statistics such as batting average, on base percentage, hits and more. When negotiations are not workingRead MoreSalary And Performance Of Offensive Players On Major League Baseball1842 Words  | 8 PagesINTRODUCTION This project investigates how salary and performance of offensive players in Major League Baseball are linked. 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ItRead More Major League Baseball Salaries and the Economic Effect Competition and the Consumer4712 Words  | 19 PagesMajor League Baseball Salaries and the Economic Effect Competition and the Consumer As long has there has been business, Management and Labor have warred against each other for a bigger piece of the pie. Major League Baseball is no different. In the early years of professional baseball the owners controlled the salaries of the players and decided where they could play and what they would be paid. The players were bound to their team by the Reserve Clause that stated, the services of a playerRead MoreRelationship Between Players’ Salary and Racial Discrimination in Major League Baseball1335 Words  | 6 Pagesthe field. Major League Baseball is one of the professional sports leagues that has a long history about racial discrimination. Relating with this, it is questionable that if racial discrimination affects on players’ salary in MLB. If so, how does racial discrimination affects on the salary and what are the other factors related with racial discrimination that can affect on salary? This question will be discussed and examined throughout the repo rt. First of all, Major League Baseball is one of theRead More Major League Baseball Salaries: How Much is Too Much? Essay1859 Words  | 8 PagesMajor League Baseball Salaries: How Much is Too Much? Twenty-five million dollars made per year. Over one hundred fifty-four thousand dollars made per game. Over forty-seven thousand dollars earned per at bat. Sounds a little ridiculous, does it not? That is what current Texas Ranger shortstop Alex Rodriguez earns to play the game of baseball ( Baseball is a game that children have been playing in schoolyards and fields for the past one hundred years. It mayRead MoreLets Not Put A Cap On It1371 Words  | 6 Pagesof the most debatable topics in Major League Baseball (MLB) is whether a salary cap should be implemented for each team in the league. A salary cap is an agreement between teams that places a limit on the amount of money that can be spent on player salaries (Britana). Of the three American major professional sports, football, baseball, and basketball, Major League Baseball is the only one that does not have a salary cap. There is more competitiveness with baseball than any other sport. A s DemauseRead MoreAmerica s National Pastime Of Baseball Essay1518 Words  | 7 PagesSince its grand entry in the 19th century, baseball has evolved to be one of the most popular sport nationally and to be known as America’s national pastime. This multibillion dollar industry attracts millions of fans worldwide throughout different regions. 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Why would a salary cap be needed? It would be needed to help keep ticket prices down, and help make for a more even level of competition for all of the teams. A salary cap is needed to keep baseball thriving in the future, to keep the game exciting and enjoyable to watch for every fan. The four major professional sports in America are MLB, NBA, NFL, and NHL. Out of those four, only Major League Baseball does not have a salary
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Bloodlines Chapter Seven Free Essays
â€Å"ADRIAN?†I SAID IN SURPRISE. â€Å"What’s he have to do with any of this?†Jill simply shook her head and looked at me beseechingly. â€Å"Please. We will write a custom essay sample on Bloodlines Chapter Seven or any similar topic only for you Order Now Just take me to him.†â€Å"But we’ll be back there in a couple days for your feeding.†â€Å"I know,†said Jill. â€Å"But I need to see him now. He’s the only one who will understand.†I found that hard to believe. â€Å"You’re saying I wouldn’t? Or that even Eddie wouldn’t?†She groaned. â€Å"No. You can’t tell Eddie. He’ll flip out.†I tried not to frown as I mulled everything over. Why would Jill need to see Adrian after this mishap at school? Adrian couldn’t do anything to help that I couldn’t. As an Alchemist, I was in the best position to file a complaint. Did Jill just want moral support? I remembered how Jill had hugged Adrian goodbye and suddenly wondered if she had a crush on him. Because surely, if Jill needed to feel protected by someone, Eddie would be a better source to turn to. Or would he? Eddie was likely to go throwing office desks around in his outrage. Keeping this from him might not be a bad idea. â€Å"Okay,†I said at last. â€Å"Let’s go.†I signed us out for off-campus travel, which took a little finagling. Mrs. Weathers was quick to point out that Jill had been banished to her dorm for the rest of the school day. I was equally quick to point out that classes were almost done, technically meaning the school day was almost finished. Mrs. Weathers couldn’t fault the logic but still made us wait the full ten minutes until the last bell rang. Jill sat there, tapping her foot anxiously against the chair. We drove the half hour to Clarence’s estate in the hills, saying little. I didn’t really know what kind of small talk to make. â€Å"How was your first day of school?†was hardly an appropriate topic. And anyway, each time I thought about it, I just grew angrier. I couldn’t believe any teacher would have the audacity to accuse Jill of drinking and having a hangover. There was really no way to prove something like that, and besides, you could tell after spending five minutes with her that it was impossible. A middle-aged human woman greeted us at the door. Her name was Dorothy, and she was Clarence’s housekeeper and feeder. Dorothy was pleasant enough, if a little distracted, and wore a stiff gray dress with a high collar to hide the bite marks on her neck. I smiled back at her and maintained my professional mode but couldn’t help a shudder when I thought about what she was. How could anyone do that? How could anyone offer their blood up willingly like that? My stomach lurched, and I found myself keeping my distance from her. I didn’t even want to accidentally brush her arm when I walked past. Dorothy escorted us back to the room we’d all been sitting in the day before. There was no sign of Clarence, but Adrian was lying on a plush green couch, watching a TV that had been cleverly concealed inside an ornate wooden cabinet last time. When he saw us, he turned the TV off with a remote control and sat up. Dorothy excused herself and shut the French doors behind her. â€Å"Well, this is a nice surprise,†he said. He looked us over. Jill had changed into her normal clothes during her isolation today, but I still had on the Amberwood blouse and skirt. â€Å"Sage, aren’t you guys supposed to have uniforms? This looks like what you usually wear.†â€Å"Cute,†I said, suppressing an eye roll. Adrian gave me a mock bow. â€Å"Careful. You almost smiled.†He reached for a bottle of brandy sitting on a nearby table. Small glasses were arranged around it, and he poured himself a generous amount. â€Å"You guys want one?†â€Å"It’s the middle of the afternoon,†I said incredulously. Not that it’d really matter for me what time of day it was. â€Å"I’ve got a wicked hangover,†he declared, giving us a mock toast. â€Å"This is just the thing to cure it.†â€Å"Adrian, I need to talk to you,†said Jill earnestly. He looked over at her, the smirk fading from his face. â€Å"What’s up, Jailbait?†Jill glanced uneasily at me. â€Å"Would you mind†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I took the hint and tried not to let on how irritated I was by all the secrets. â€Å"Sure. I’ll just†¦ I’ll just go outside again.†I didn’t like the idea of being exiled, but no way was I going to wander the halls of the old house. I’d face the heat. I hadn’t gotten very far down the hall when someone stepped out in front of me. I let out a small scream and nearly jumped three feet in the air. A heartbeat later, I realized it was Lee – not that it reassured me much. No matter how ostensibly friendly I was with this group, old defenses inside me kicked up at being alone with a new vampire. Running into him didn’t help matters either because my brain processed it as an attack! Lee just stood there, staring at me. From the expression on his face, he was just as startled to find me in his house – though perhaps not quite as alarmed about it as I was. â€Å"Sydney?†asked Lee. â€Å"What are you doing here?†Within moments, my fear became embarrassment, like I’d been caught prowling. â€Å"Oh†¦ I’m here with Jill. She had kind of a rough day and needed to talk to Adrian. I wanted to give them some privacy and was going to just†¦ uh, go outside.†Lee’s confusion transformed into a smile. â€Å"You don’t have to do that. No need for exile. Come on, I was going to get a snack in the kitchen.†My face must have shown abject horror because he laughed. â€Å"Not the human kind.†I blushed and followed along with him. â€Å"Sorry,†I said. â€Å"It’s instinct.†â€Å"No problem. You Alchemists are kind of jumpy, you know.†â€Å"Yeah.†I laughed uncomfortably. â€Å"I know.†â€Å"I’ve always wanted to meet one of you, but you guys certainly aren’t what I expected.†He opened the door to a spacious kitchen. The rest of the house might be antique and gloomy, but inside here, everything was bright and modern. â€Å"If it makes you feel any better, you’re not as bad as Keith. He was here earlier today and was so nervous, he literally kept looking over his shoulder.†Lee paused thoughtfully. â€Å"I think it might have been because Adrian kept laughing like a mad scientist at those old black-and-white movies he was watching.†I came to an abrupt stop. â€Å"Keith was here – today? What for?†â€Å"You’d have to ask Dad. That’s who he talked to the most.†Lee opened the refrigerator and produced a can of Coke. â€Å"Want one?†â€Å"I – uh, no. Too much sugar.†He grabbed another can. â€Å"Diet?†I hesitated only a moment before taking it. â€Å"Sure. Thanks.†I hadn’t intended to eat or drink anything in this house, but the can seemed safe enough. It was sealed and looked like it had come straight from a human grocery store, not some vampiric cauldron. I opened it and took a sip as my mind spun. â€Å"You have no idea at all what it was about?†â€Å"Huh?†Lee had added an apple to his menu and hoisted himself up so he sat on the counter. â€Å"Oh, Keith? No. But if I had to guess, it was about me. Like he was trying to figure out if I’m staying here or not.†He took a giant bite into the apple, and I wondered if having fangs made that harder at all. â€Å"He just likes his facts straight,†I said neutrally. As much as I disliked Keith, I still wanted a unified human front. I wasn’t entirely inaccurate, though. I was pretty sure Keith felt undermined at learning there was one extra Moroi in â€Å"his territory†and was now making sure he was in on everything. Part of it was good Alchemist business, sure, but most was probably Keith’s wounded pride. Lee didn’t seem to think much of it and kept chewing his apple, though I could feel his eyes studying me. â€Å"You said Jill had a bad day? Is everything okay?†â€Å"Yeah, I think so. I mean, I don’t know. I’m not even sure how things got messed up. She wanted to see Adrian for some reason. Maybe he can help.†â€Å"He’s Moroi,†said Lee pragmatically. â€Å"Maybe it’s just something only he could understand – something you and Eddie couldn’t. No offense.†â€Å"None taken,†I said. It was only natural that Jill and I would have distinct differences – I was a human, and she was a vampire, after all. We couldn’t be more different if we tried, and in fact, I kind of preferred it that way. â€Å"You go to college†¦ in Los Angeles? A human school?†It wasn’t that weird a behavior for Moroi. Sometimes they stuck together in their own communities; sometimes they tried to blend into large human cities. Lee nodded. â€Å"Yup. And it was hard for me at first too. I mean, even without others obviously knowing you’re a vampire†¦ well, there’s just a sense of otherness you’re always aware of. I eventually adjusted†¦ but I know what she’s going through.†â€Å"Poor Jill,†I said, suddenly realizing I’d come at this situation all wrong. Most of my energy had been fixed on the school believing Jill’s illness was a hangover. I should’ve focused on why she was sick in the first place. Anxiety over this new life change had to be taking its toll. I’d battled my own uneasiness, trying to figure out friendships and social cues – but at least I was still dealing with my own race. â€Å"I didn’t really think about what she’s going through.†â€Å"Do you want me to talk to her?†asked Lee. He set the apple core aside. â€Å"Not that I’m sure I have that much wisdom to share.†â€Å"Anything might help,†I said honestly. A silence fell between us, and I began to feel uneasy. Lee seemed very friendly, but my old fears were too ingrained. Part of me felt like he didn’t so much want to get to know me as study me. Alchemists were clearly a novelty to him. â€Å"Do you mind me asking†¦ the tattoo. It gives you special powers, right?†It was nearly a repeat of the conversation at school, except Lee actually knew the truth behind it. I absentmindedly touched my cheek. â€Å"Not powers, exactly. There’s compulsion in it to keep us from talking about what we do. And I get a good immune system out of it. But the rest? I’m nothing special.†â€Å"Fascinating,†he murmured. I looked away uneasily and tried to casually brush my hair back into my face. Adrian stuck his head in just then. All his earlier humor was gone. â€Å"Ah, there you are. Can I talk to you in private for a sec?†The question was directed to me, and Lee jumped off the counter. â€Å"I’ll take the cue. Is Jill still in the den?†Adrian nodded, and Lee glanced at me questioningly. â€Å"Do you want me to†¦ ?†I nodded. â€Å"That’d be great. Thank you.†Lee left, and Adrian glanced back at me curiously. â€Å"What was that about?†â€Å"Oh, we thought Lee might be able to help Jill with her problems,†I explained. â€Å"Since he can relate.†â€Å"Problems?†â€Å"Yeah, you know. Adjusting to living with humans.†â€Å"Oh,†said Adrian. He produced a pack of cigarettes and, to my complete astonishment, lit up right in front of me. â€Å"That. Yeah, I guess that’s good. But that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about. I need you to get me out of this place.†I was startled. This wasn’t about Jill? â€Å"Out of Palm Springs?†I asked. â€Å"No! Out of this place.†He gestured around him. â€Å"It’s like living in a retirement home! Clarence is taking a nap right now, and he eats at five. It’s so boring.†â€Å"You’ve only been here for two days.†â€Å"And that’s more than enough. The only thing keeping me alive is that he keeps a hefty supply of liquor on hand. But at the rate I’m going, that’ll be gone by the weekend. Jesus Christ, I’m climbing the walls.†His eyes fell on the cross at my neck. â€Å"Oh. Sorry. No offense to Jesus.†I was still too baffled by the unexpected topic to feel much offense. â€Å"What about Lee? He’s here, right?†â€Å"Yes,†agreed Adrian. â€Å"Sometimes. But he’s busy with†¦ hell, I don’t know. School stuff. He’s going back to Los Angeles tomorrow, and that’ll be another boring night for me. Besides†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He looked around conspiratorially. â€Å"Lee’s nice enough, but he’s not†¦ well, he’s not really into having fun. Not the way I am.†â€Å"That might be a good thing,†I pointed out. â€Å"No morality lectures, Sage. And hey, like I said, I like him okay, but he’s not here enough. When he is, he keeps to himself. He’s always checking himself out in the mirror, even more than I do. I heard him worrying about gray hair the other day.†I didn’t care about Lee’s eccentricities. â€Å"Where would you even want to go? You don’t want†¦Ã¢â‚¬ A very unpleasant thought came to me. â€Å"You don’t want to enroll at Amberwood, do you?†â€Å"What, and play 21 Jump Street with the rest of you? No, thank you.†â€Å"Twenty-one what?†â€Å"Never mind. Look.†He put out the cigarette – on the counter – which I thought was kind of ridiculous since he’d hardly smoked any of it. Why bother with such a filthy habit if you weren’t going to use it all? â€Å"I need my own place, okay? You guys make things happen. Can’t you get me some swank bachelor’s pad like Keith has downtown so I can party with all the rich vacationers? Drinking alone is sad and pathetic. I need people. Even human people.†â€Å"No,†I said. â€Å"I’m not authorized to do that. You aren’t†¦ well, you aren’t really my responsibility. We’re just taking care of Jill – and Eddie, since he’s her bodyguard.†Adrian scowled. â€Å"What about a car? Can you do that?†I shook my head. â€Å"What about your car? What if I drop you guys back off at the school and then borrow it for a while?†â€Å"No,†I said swiftly. That was probably the craziest suggestion he could’ve made. Latte was my baby. I certainly wasn’t about to lend it out to a heavy drinker – especially to one who also happened to be a vampire. If there was ever a vampire who seemed particularly irresponsible, it was Adrian Ivashkov. â€Å"You’re killing me here, Sage!†â€Å"I’m not doing anything.†â€Å"Exactly my point.†â€Å"Look,†I said, growing irritated. â€Å"I told you. You’re not my responsibility. Talk to Abe if you want things changed. Isn’t he the reason you’re here?†Adrian’s annoyance and self-pity shifted to wariness. â€Å"What do you know about that?†Right. He didn’t know I’d overheard their conversation. â€Å"I mean, he’s the one who brought you guys here and made the arrangements with Clarence, right?†I hoped that would be convincing enough – and maybe yield me a little information on what Abe’s master plan was. â€Å"Yes,†Adrian said, after several seconds of intense scrutiny. â€Å"But Abe wants me to stay in this tomb. If I got my own place, we’d have to keep it secret from him.†I scoffed. â€Å"Then I’m definitely not helping, even if I could. You couldn’t pay me to cross Abe.†I could see Adrian bracing for another argument and decided to make my exit. Turning my back on him and any further protests, I headed out of the kitchen and back to the living room. There, I found Jill and Lee talking, and she wore the first genuine smile I’d seen in a while. She laughed at some comment he made and then looked up at my entrance. â€Å"Hey, Sydney,†she said. â€Å"Hey,†I said. â€Å"Are you about ready to go?†â€Å"Is it time?†she asked. Both she and Lee looked disappointed, but then she answered her own question. â€Å"I guess it is. You probably have homework, and Eddie’s probably worried already.†Adrian entered the room behind me, looking pouty. Jill glanced at him, and for a moment, her gaze turned inward, like her mind had gone somewhere else. Then she turned back to me. â€Å"Yeah,†she said. â€Å"We should go. I hope we can talk later, Lee.†â€Å"Me too,†he said, standing up. â€Å"I’ll be around here, off and on.†Jill hugged Adrian goodbye, clearly reluctant to be leaving him too. With Lee, she’d looked mostly like she was sad to leave something that had just gotten interesting. With Adrian, there was more of a sense like she wasn’t sure how she was going to get by. Her next scheduled feeding was in two days, and Adrian was encouraging, telling her she was strong enough to get through the next school day. Despite how much he kept annoying me, I was moved by his compassion for the younger girl. Anyone who was that nice to Jill couldn’t be that bad. He was starting to surprise me. â€Å"You look better,†I told her as we drove toward Vista Azul. â€Å"Talking to Adrian†¦ to both of them†¦ it was helpful.†â€Å"Do you think you’ll be okay tomorrow?†â€Å"Yeah.†Jill sighed and leaned back against the seat. â€Å"It was just nerves. That, and I didn’t eat much breakfast.†â€Å"Jill†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I bit my lip, hesitant to plunge forward. Confrontation wasn’t my strong suit, particularly with awkward personal topics. â€Å"You and Adrian†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Jill gave me a wary look. â€Å"What about us?†â€Å"Is there anything†¦ I mean, are you guys†¦ ?†â€Å"No!†Out of the corner of her eye, I saw Jill turn bright pink. It was the most color I had ever seen in a vampire’s face. â€Å"Why would you say that?†â€Å"Well. You were sick this morning. And then really adamant about seeing Adrian. You’re always sad to leave him too†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Jill gaped. â€Å"Do you think I’m pregnant?†â€Å"Not exactly,†I said, realizing it was kind of a nonsensical answer. â€Å"I mean, maybe. I don’t know. I’m just considering all the possibilities†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Well, don’t consider that one! There’s nothing going on between us. Nothing. We’re friends. He’d never be interested in me.†She said it with a dismal certainty – and maybe even a little wistfully. â€Å"That’s not true,†I said, fumbling to undo the damage. â€Å"I mean, you’re younger, yeah, but you’re cute†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Yes, this was a terrible conversation. I was just babbling now. â€Å"Don’t,†said Jill. â€Å"Don’t tell me I’m nice and pretty and have a lot to offer. Or whatever. None of that matters. Not when he’s still hung up on her.†â€Å"Her? Oh. Rose.†I’d nearly forgotten. The trip to Court had been the first time I’d seen Adrian in person, but I’d actually seen him once before on security camera footage when he’d been at a casino with Rose. The two of them had dated, though I wasn’t entirely sure how serious the relationship had been. When I’d helped Rose and Dimitri escape, the chemistry between those two had been off the charts, even if they’d both been in denial of it. Even I’d been able to spot it a mile away, and I knew next to nothing about romance. Seeing as Rose and Dimitri were officially a couple now, I had to assume things with Adrian hadn’t ended well. â€Å"Yeah. Rose.†Jill sighed and stared vacantly ahead. â€Å"She’s all he sees when he closes his eyes. Flashing dark eyes and a body full of fire and energy. No matter how much he tries to forget her, no matter how much he drinks†¦ she’s always there. He can’t escape her.†Jill’s voice dripped with astonishing bitterness. I might have written it off as jealousy, except that she talked as though she’d been personally been wronged by Rose too. â€Å"Jill? Are you okay?†â€Å"Huh? Oh.†Jill shook her head, like she was shaking off the cobwebs of a dream. â€Å"Yeah, fine. Sorry. It’s been a weird day. I’m a little out of it. Didn’t you say we could pick up some things?†A sign for the next exit advertised a shopping center. I rolled with the change in subject, glad to be away from personal matters, though I was still pretty confused. â€Å"Uh, yeah. We need sunscreen. And maybe we can get a little TV for the room.†â€Å"That’d be great,†said Jill. I left it at that and took the next exit. Neither of us spoke about Adrian for the rest of the night. How to cite Bloodlines Chapter Seven, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
Macbeth Downfall Essays (1604 words) - Characters In Macbeth
Macbeth Downfall Throughout the centuries human beings have always had the need to achieve some things in life such as love, wealth, power or authority. The ambition of Macbeth was power. Macbeths' strive for power affects his life in a negative way and eventually leads to his downfall. Macbeth was a brave soldier of Scotland and was very loyal to King Duncan. As he returned from a battle with his friend Banquo three witches hailed him as Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor and in the end King of Scotland. They also told Banquo that his children would become Kings. This aroused Macbeth's curiosity of how he could become King. When he went to the palace and the King announced to him that he would become Thane of Cawdor because the previous Thane was a traitor. His ambition rised and he believed that some truth might be hidden in the weird sisters' words. Therefore, he wrote a letter to his wife Lady Macbeth telling her what had happened. When Lady Macbeth read the letter her intention was to talk Macbeth into killing Duncan. Therefore, she planed the murder. She invited the King to their house where she planned to have him killed. Macbeth had some hesitations but she manipulated him into doing it. The murder took place at nighttime and short after the murder Macbeth felt empowered and thought that nothing could stop him. Duncan's sons Malcom and Donalbain fled the country and one went to England and the other to Ireland. Macbeth asked for the witches advice and they told him that no woman born man could kill him and that only when Birnam Wood came up to the castle would he lose his power. In order to maintain his power Macbeth hired three murderers to kill Banquo and his son Fleance but they only managed to kill Banquo whereas Fleance escaped. Macbeth also killed Macduffs wife and son because according to him Macduff was a traitor. In the meantime, Malcom and Macduff were gathering an army in order to overthrow Macbeth. After the witches words Macbeth felt invincible whereas Lady Macbeth died, probably of guilt. In the end of the play, the army disguised itself with branches from the Birnam wood and marched to the castle where Macduff, who was ripped from his mother's womb, killed Macbeth and Malcom became King. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth is regarded as a good man and a brave soldier. When he comes back from the battle, the Captain described Macbeth's honor and bravery to King Duncan in Act I, scene 2. "For brave Macbeth-well he deserves that name-Disdaining fortune, with his brandish'd steel, Which smoked with bloody execution, Like valour's minion carved out his passage Till he faced the slave, Which ne'er shook hands nor bade farewell to him Till he unseamed him from the nave to th' chops, And fixed his head upon our battlements"(Act 1, scene 2, line16-23). This shows that people, including the King trusted Macbeth and considered him as a brave, just, and honest soldier who loved his country. However, his character changes throughout the play in a negative way. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth appears to be happy and content as Thane of Glamis until he hears the witches prophesies. His ambition is reinforced when he is made Thane of Cawdor and he starts considering murdering King Duncan. He immediately writes to his wife in order to consult her. When Lady Macbeth reads the letter, we can understand that she considers Macbeth as too kind and soft to murder the King. As she says: ? Yet do I fear thy nature; It is too full o' the milk of human kindness To catch the nearest way.'(Act 1, Scene 5, line 13-15) This shows that in the beginning Macbeth was considered as to soft to commit this kind of crime. So, she talks him into her plan and they invite Duncan over for a banquet. Still, Macbeth has some reservations about the murder. As he says to his wife: ?He is here in double trust: First, as I am his kinsman and his subject, strong both against the deed; then, as his host, Who should against his murderer shut the door, not bear the knife myself.' Also, towards the end of Act 1, Scene 3, speaking to Banquo, he thinks that perhaps he doesn't need to do anything to become king: "If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me without my stir." (Act 1, Scene 3,
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Best Scholarship Essay Topics for You Part 1
Best Scholarship Essay Topics for You Part 1 25 Most Promising Scholarship Essay Topics Part 1 The Most Promising Scholarship Essay Topics All undergraduate students know the difficulty of earning scholarship points. Nevertheless, if you choose good scholarship essay topics, these difficulties wont hurt you. These topics will help you start writing, follow the format and create a great essay. If you use them, you will definitely succeed and obtain a scholarship from the university of your dreams! Unmatched Topics for a Scholarship Essay Why did I become a dedicated and diligent student and what experiences encourage me to continue my education? How did I improve the atmosphere in my classroom by becoming a school policymaker? How I graduated from college, despite being extremely poor. How I earned my first $1,000 after becoming a school entrepreneur. How I traveled for a year and learned diverse, unique cultures around the world. How I left my comfort zone, started a new life and succeeded. Why scholarships are unfair to students but are still required for their success. Why students have huge college debts today and how scholarship can help solve this problem. I know the value of discipline, and I am ready to use it to succeed in my studies. I have a vast experience due to being a foreign volunteer. However, the whole life is still ahead of me. Dreaming motivates us to move forward and attain the highest goals, so every person should have a dream, no matter how unattainable it may be. How entering the college will help me resolve some of the most urgent global problems.To be continued
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
History of Astronomy - Rise of Modern in 20th Century
History of Astronomy - Rise of Modern in 20th Century Tycho Brahe has often been called the Father of modern astronomy, and for good reasons. However, I think that title really belongs to Galileo Galilei for his pioneering use of the telescope to magnify the view of the sky. However, Brahe did advance the science more than anyone in the past, simply by using his senses, rather than philosophy to study the sky. The work that Brahe began was continued and expanded by his assistant, Johannes Kepler, whose laws of planetary motion are among the foundations of modern astronomy. There are many other astronomers since Galileo, Brahe, and Kepler who have advanced the science: Here, in brief, are some of the other bright lights who helped bring astronomy to its current place. Edmund Halley (1656-1742) was a British astronomer who was also a big fan of Sir Isaac Newton. After encouraging Newton to write his Principia, Halley then published it at his own expense. Not stopping to rest on the fame of another, he went on to calculate the orbits of comets, including the one named after him.Sir William Herschel (1738-1822), though born in Germany, was a British astronomer. He discovered Uranus in 1781 coined the word asteroids. He also cataloged about 2,000 nebulae, discovered several satellites of Uranus and Saturn, studied the rotation of planets. Discovered and studied binary stars. He discovered two satellites each orbiting Uranus and Saturn. He studied the rotation period of many planets, the motion of double stars, and nebulae. He cataloged more than 800 double stars and contributed new information on the constitution of nebulae. Herschel was the first to propose that these nebulae were composed of stars. He is considered the founder of sidereal astronomy. Albert Einstein (1879-1955) was a German-born American physicist and Nobel laureate. He may be the most well-known scientist of the 20th century. In 1915, he developed his general theory of relativity, which states that the speed of light is constant and that the curvature of space and the passage of time are linked to gravity. Thinking the universe was unchanging, he inserted a cosmological constant fudge factor into his calculations to make them fit his viewpoint.Willem de Sitter: (1872 - 1934), a Dutch astronomer, removed Einsteins cosmological constant from his calculations and used the theory of relativity to show that the universe may always be expanding.Georges-Henri Lemaitre: (1894 - 1966) was not only a Belgian astronomer, he was also a Jesuit priest. Discovering the writings of Russian mathematician, Alexander Friedmann, Lemaitre took his solution for an expanding universe and theorized that if the universe is expanding, if we follow it back to the starting point, the n our universe began as a great cosmic egg which exploded and expanded outward. Lemaitre is often referred to as the father of the Big Bang theory. Edwin P Hubble (1889-1953), American Astronomer. In the 1920s, Albert Einstein stated, I have made my greatest blunder. This pronouncement came when Hubble demonstrated that the universe was not static and Einsteins cosmological constant was not necessary. Utilizing improved telescopic devices, he was also able to confirm that those fuzzy objects astronomers had seen for years were in fact other galaxies.Thomas Gold (1920 - 2004) was an American astronomer. Though it is generally believed that Golds steady state theory of the universe is incorrect, he made many major contributions to our knowledge of the universe, including the nature of pulsars as rotating neutron stars, and the origin of planetary hydrocarbons. These are just a few of the astronomers and their findings in the pre- and early 20th century history of astronomy. There have been and are many other great brains in the field of astronomy, but its time to get away from history for now. Well meet some of these other astronomers throughout the rest of our lessons. Next, well look at numbers. Fourth Lesson Big Numbers Lesson 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Edited and updated by Carolyn Collins Petersen.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Alberty Valez v. Corp de Puerto Rico Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Alberty Valez v. Corp de Puerto Rico - Assignment Example The big question out of the case is: do the television stations qualify as employee or independent contractor? Discrimination of employees on the basis of gender and pregnancy are covered under Title VII. However, it does not cover independent contractors, which means that independent contractors cannot successfully sue under Title VII. The case brings into light what it means to be an employee as defined under Title VII. The court applied common law agency test in order to ascertain whether Alberty was an employee of the firm or if she worked as an independent contractor. Under common law, most factors linked the plaintiff to an independent contractor even though she maintained that the defendants control her work place, determined working hours and directed the films, thus thought of herself as an employee. The court held that she was an independent contractor because she provided the resources required for the performance of the contract. Her tax treatment, method of remuneration, and lack of employment benefits, indicated that the plaintiff was an independent contractor rather than an em ployee. This case clarifies the distinction between an employee of an organization and an independent contractor, thus remains crucial in the labor
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Virgin Atlantic A Premium Brand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Virgin Atlantic A Premium Brand - Essay Example The company, Virgin Atlantic, implemented the core value marketing strategies (Czinkota, 2007). The company’s Steve Ridgeway, VirginAtlantic’s Marketing Director, focused on advertising the many benefits of flying the London and other skies within the comfortable passenger planes of Virgin Atlantic. Mr. Ridgeway joined Virgin Atlantic Airlines in1989. Ridgeway’s successful marketing strategies triggered his promotion to the more responsible and more hectic head of marketing position in 1992. The promotions activities included offering discounts and other special privileges to frequent flyers. The company offered busy airline travelers to enroll in the company’s frequent flyer programme. Ruth Blakemore, Virgin Atlantic’s Marketing Head, coordinates with Mr. Ridgway as one of the top marketing officers of Virgin Atlantic (Doyle, 2012). Further, the company implemented excellent quality customer services to increase customer demand(McDonald, 2007). The company’s in-flight catering service is on the same level as the catering services of other competing airline companies. The company’s airport retail area caters to the personal and other travel needs of the company’s airport passengers. Within the airports, the customers can easily access the busy duty free shops. The company also implements a prestigious product development as well as public relations campaign under the strong leadership of Mr. Ridgeway. Specifically, the company’s advertising budget is equal to two percent of the company’s overall turnover or revenues. The advertising campaigns are described as several short advertisements being handled by several professional advertising and promotions organizations (Doyle, 2012). Further, Virgin Atlantic’s management structure focuses on customer-based marketing. The company’s pricing and services are geared towards filling the current and future customers’ demands or wan ts. The company’s headquarters is in Crawley, near Gatwick. The organisation implements flexible communication activities within the line and staff setup. The organization is described as loose. One senior officer of the company described the management structure as filled to the brim with entrepreneurial trimmings, independent, and autonomy. Management exercises strong control of both the employees and the scarce company resources. Most of the company’s employees had prior experiences in other competing United Kingdom airline companies. The people are given the free will to make decisions within the necessity of wasting time trying to seek approval from the upper levels of management. The management policies include scrutinizing and managing organizational expenses and costs. Each sector of the airline company is mandated to reduce operating expenses. The company’s top three management officers are managing director Roy Gardner, managing director Syd Pennington , and finance director Nigel Primrose. The three officers report directly to Virgin Atlantic Airlines founder Richard Branson (Doyle, 2012). The company’s Managing Director Roy Gardner brings a vast airline operations experience to uplifting the operational management of the company. Gardner was the former technical director of Virgin Airways in 1984. Prior to his Virgin Airways stint, Gardner worked with Laker Airways. Garner also had several years’ experience working with British Caledonian Airways. Mr. Gardner’s airline experiences, prior to Virgin Atlanti
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Analysis Of Terrorism On The African Continent Politics Essay
Analysis Of Terrorism On The African Continent Politics Essay As the Middle East continues to be the primary spotlight of international attention in the American-led War on Terror, it is easy to overlook the fact that the most extreme terrorist attacks adjacent to 9/11 all took place in Africa. (BRON) Since the atrocities of 9/11, there has been a significant change in the United States (US) foreign policy towards the African continent, a progression that has been hastened by the demands of the War on Terror. The development away from the American hands off attitude to Africa has had a striking impact on human security on the continent. Yet, the imperative effects of the shift in the American foreign policy towards Africa to prevent and suppress the threat of terrorism and improve human security levels on the continent are an unexplored area of research. To create a base of knowledge on this topic, this paper examines the impact of the War on Terror on human security in Africa. The focus of research is put on the two major American military ope rations in Africa since 2002: the Horn of Africa Combined Joint Task Force (HOACJTF) and the Trans-Saharan Counterterrorism Initiative (TSCTI). The successfulness of the War on Terror in Africa is indicated in the evaluation of the decrease in the number of terrorist incidents on the African continent and the improvement of the Human Development Index (HDI) of the Africans nations during these operations. The War on Terror has succeeded to improve national security on the African continent by the active promotion of democracy, peace and stability through the Horn of Africa Combined Joint Task Force and the Trans-Saharan Counterterrorism Initiative. If the September 11 attacks would not have taken place, then-President George W. Bush would arguably never have made an official visit to the African countries of Nigeria, Uganda, Botswana, South Africa, and Senegal in July 2003 the first visit by a sitting Republican president to the African continent. At the very least, the attacks of 9/11 added necessity to his visit. Moments before his departure, Bush acknowledged that many African governments have the will to fight the war on terror we will give them the tools and the resources to win [this] war.(Quote Bush) According to United States National Security Strategy of September 2002, 9/11 taught the United States that weak states can pose as great a danger to our national interests as strong states. Poverty does not make poor people into terrorists and murderers. Yet poverty, weak institutions, and corruption can make weak states vulnerable to terrorist networks and drug cartels within their borders. After 9/11, U.S. focus on terrorism in Africa became much more pronounced. For the first time since 1993, the United States deployed a sizeable contingent of American troops on the continent with the establishment of the Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa The Horn of Africa is Africas bridge to the Middle East. Quietly the Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa has emerged as Americas most productive post-9/11 alliance. Combined Joint Task Force Horn of Africa focuses its efforts on conducting unified action in the combined joint operations area of the Horn of Africa to prevent conflict, promote tourism as well as regional stability, and protect Coalition interests in order to prevail against extremism. At the time, the Operation also have several peacekeeping missions in Sudan and Somalia. Since the start of the operation in 2002, the Task Force has succeeded to promote good governance throughout the region by strengthening diplomatic understanding of the area of and increasing support to those countries that already play a key role in counterterrorism operations, but that suffer from poor employment, education, and social services. At the same time, Though the US presence is essential for the stability of the Horn, the Horn states themselves prove to be successful in resolving the regional threats- particularly the al Qaeda terrorist threat- that are essential to providing confidence among Horn states. Another operation that has played a pivotal role promoting human security is the Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Initiative (TSCTI). Much like the Horn of Africa Operation the Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Initiative, or TSCTI, has exceeded the expectations of the participant countries and those of American military planners. The Initiative is an interagency plan by the United States government, combining efforts by both civil and military agencies, to combat terrorism in Trans-Saharan Africa. The goal of Initiative is to counter terrorist influences in the region and assist governments to better control their territory and to prevent huge tracts of largely deserted African territory from becoming a safe haven for terrorist groups. The Operation officially started in, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, but Current membership includes eleven African countries: The goal of the alliance is not to fight in hot spots, but to provide preventative training and engagement with governments to help prevent the growth of terrorist organizations in the partner countries. Member states noted the improvement in communications between the numerous conferences between senior military officers of participant states. Such gatherings have increased confidence among states, improved the training practices, improved joint tactics to confront indigenous terror groups or those outside the region, and assisted in the synchronization of communication. Another important result is that border security has increased throughout the regions. The Sahel countries (Chad, Niger, Mali, and Mauritania) in particular have dramatically increased the presence of troops along their borders, helping to prevent the emergence of safe havens in the expansive desert areas within the region. These elements and the administrations consistent statements regarding the importance of democratic governance represent another aspect of the legacy of the TSCTI. This point is fundamental because it is clear that the success of the TSCTI in the short term and long term will depend on the abilit y of member states to adopt and to implement democratic principles. After having analyzed the two most successful US operations in Africa to counter terrorism, the question of how these results reflect improvement in human security still remains. It is clear that the Operations have succeeded to play an active role in the promotion of democracy, peace and stability, but have they really improved human security in Africa. In order to show you so, I have linked to successfulness of the operations to two important statistic trends. First of all, I did research on the change of the number of terrorist attacks in Africa. Next, I focused on the Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite statistic used to rank countries by level of human development The statistic is composed from data on life expectancy, education and per-capita GDP (as an indicator of standard of living) The HDI has been used since 1990 by the United Nations Development Programme for its annual Human Development Reports. Conclusion (draft) although I hope to have convinced you that human security in Africa has improved indeed since the start of the War on Terror, I have to say there is still much room for further improvement of human security in Africa. The War on Terror in Africa is still facing some major humanitarian challenges, including the crisis in Darfur and the Civil War in Somalia. On October 1, 2008, responsibility for the Trans-Sahara Counter Initiative together with the command of the Horn of Africa Operation was transferred to The United States Africa Command or AFRICOM. It is now up to AFRICOM to prove it is capable of bringing and maintaining peace and stability on the African continent.
Friday, January 17, 2020
General Electric Strategic Position – 1981
General Electric (â€Å"GE†), similar to many major corporations in the 1980s and 1990s, underwent a restructuring phase in line with the McKinsey Restructuring Pentagon. Through this restructuring, General Electric implemented a portfolio-planning model to manage the ever-increasing demands of a company involved in over 190 businesses. Ultimately, this model allowed GE to formally? GE set lofty goals of increasing earnings per share 25% faster than the growth of GNP. In order to achieve this the company needed to address productivity and possible realms of expansion, but the systems in place often led to a lack of focus. Reginald Jones attempted to create value and compete in the market by implementing strategic planning and then integrated strategic planning to address productivity. Through GE’s engagement of McKinsey & Co. they devised a structure of Strategic Business Units along with Portfolio Planning. The development of strategic business units allowed the company to stay competitive in their respective industries by acting somewhat autonomously from GE Corporate. In the restructured GE, the SBUs were responsible for identifying crossovers to expand their competitive position by utilizing the entire GE network. The Portfolio Planning Model allowed GE to allocate resources to each SBU based on Industry Attractiveness and Business Unit Strength. The allocation of resources focused development on specific projects instead of â€Å"sprinkling money across a variety of businesses. †This matrix later would be called the GE matrix, which allowed GE Corporate to quickly analyze a business plan by highlighting the potential industry growth (using a Five Forces-style analysis) and looking at the relative knowledge within GE to capitalize on the industries market share. After the allocation of resources, GE identified business unit strategy. This strategic planning was ahead of its time in terms of management theory. Strategic Planners were required at each business unit to assess the strategic positioning of opportunities (including potential divestment) and to identify portfolio balance. This portfolio assessment identified the overall business unit balance in terms of cash-flow generation and growth prospects. After these metrics were defined, performance targets were set based on the business strategy and perceived competitive position. When combined with the BCG Matrix, GE was capable of making allocation decisions readily, addressing the productivity issue while maintaining its competitive advantage in industries viewed with positive growth potential. One can say the creation of value at GE in the 1981 depended on its use of metrics to focus on specific industries and growth opportunities. This created value by allocating resources more effectively in order to predict market trends and anticipate demand within markets before customers were able to clearly identify what was needed. In addition, this created value in terms of the shareholder value maximization model as GE innovated in order to outpace growth in GNP. Returning to the McKinsey Restructuring Program, it stands that GE created additional value and became an even greater competitive force across their broad industry footprint by capitalizing on the linkages between their SBUs. Part of Reginald Jones’ theory on implementing Sector level managers exemplified this value creation through corporate linkages. In order to stay away from a Holding Company status, GE Corporate realized it needed to add-value from the top-down. The end results was a structure whereby SBUs developed new business opportunities by ‘extending into contiguous product-markets;’ Sectors ‘developed new SBUs by diversifying within their macroindustry scopes;’ and Corporate developed ‘new sectors by diversifying into unserved macroindustries. ’ This renewed focus allowed GE to add value across its hierarchy, competing quicker and more efficiently than competitors while leveraging the full breadth of resources available to a truly diversified company. Additionally, due to GE’s restructure hierarchy; corporate was able to focus on what Jones called â€Å"arenas. †These arenas extended into nontraditional management, integrating new developments in techniques, motivation, and measurement, but were designed to create a vision for the future, which then linked back to the portfolio planning model in order to more appropriately allocate resources. As a result, GE decided to focus on the following arenas – Energy, Communications, Energy Applications-productivity, Materials and Resources, Transportation & Propulsion, and Pervasive Services. These arenas drew direct linkages between organizations within GE, further leveraging the company’s resources to compete more efficiently while creating shareholder value. Additionally, GE said that planning helps a company focus, but implementation and execution is the key to success. To this end, they developed their people internally at a faster rate then competitors, often shifting managers to completely new organizations in order to provide a fresh perspective on innovation and market potential. Planning became a way of life, but implementation and execution were the breath of the company, even as they faced a dynamic and continually changing organizational structure. General Electric in 1981 created value and became more competitive due to their focus. GE executives realized the shifting dynamics within a diversified company and provided a formal framework to identify opportunities and to put money to work in those arenas. Additionally, their ability to capture leverage from linkages, both with products and human resources, helped the company remain competitive and quicker then each industry player within their respective units. The overall restructuring and portfolio planning provided a framework for their growth and value creation, which Jack Welch capitalized on after the departure of Reggie Jones. We believe that the strategic planning approach implemented by Reginald Jones, CEO of GE was revolutionary and necessary for the time but the methodology remained unchanged and ineffective as the company grew through the 1970s. Jones was a person who had a clear vision for corporate growth and effective performance during recessionary times in the United States. He believed in creating a change, recognizing the problems the company was facing and implementing strategies to reshape the decision-making process in the corporation. The focus of the corporation was to impose the creation of business strategic units in order to gain a broader view on corporate management strategies. The main goal was to implement the company’s vision across all business units across various industries. GE introduced a strategic planning system where management was expected to take strategic decisions and be involved pro-actively in the decision-making process. The corporate approach was to introduce clarity of the job functions in order to avoid ambiguity and miscommunication between the business units. Management was encouraged to strengthen their relationships with the team to integrate communication between the departments. Through the strategic planning system, the company recognized certain sectors that were less profitable than others and decided to prune the business units that did not grow rapidly or remain static. GE focused on further developing growing business units in new sectors by diversifying in unexplored industries. Overall, the corporation showed an average growth of 16% annually on their income statement for the decade between 1970 and 1980. GE delivered 26 consecutive quarters of improved earnings through two recessions; however, it faced some structural problems. The internal audit showed that strategic planning was slow and inefficient. Integration and cooperation between the business units was non-existent, which deprived innovation and opportunism within the corporation. The decentralized management led to the proliferation of 150 strategic business units. Additionally, financial analysis and control was rigid and did not promote cooperation between the business units. The strategic planning processes were heavily infringed by paperwork creating bureaucracy. In order to control the information, new management layers were created which resulted in expanding the staff of the organization. The paper-driven processes, in combination with the large staff at the business unit level, increased the costs and reduced the efficiency of personnel, reflecting the overall performance of the corporation. The large amount of paper reports slowed the decision-making process by the corporate management team that was inefficient to take action in search of further market growth. Due to these issues, the financial performance of GE was moderate and it matched the GNP index but did not outperform it. The corporate management focused on increasing growth while fighting inflation when the company was growing in size in both personnel and business units. We propose a different approach to confront the issues that GE was facing in their initial proposition for corporate strategic management. The company should focus on reducing the bureaucracy and improving the efficiency of the strategy decision-making process. This may be achieved by implementing regular face-to-face meetings with the corporate strategy management unit. GE could introduce more flexible financial controls to promote innovation and intrapreneurship while providing more integration across the business-level managers. A major problem to resolve was the excess cost of duplication and uncoordinated actions. GE’s focus should be on pruning less efficient business units that are not profitable and strengthening the SBUs that will provide the highest ROI. As mentioned above, the company was increasing its labor size while the SBUs remained inefficient. There are still some departments that are not as profitable as others but remained in operation. GE should concentrate in its comparative advantage in the industry to retrieve new rivals. Therefore, looking for new opportunities, along with undiscovered sectors, will provide the corporation with a greater competitive advantage in those industries.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The First And Hardest Part Of Writing An Essay - 923 Words
The first and hardest part of writing an essay is figuring out how to start. A professor may give a topic to be written about, but in some cases that may not happen. The first step is to pick a topic. The topic will serve as your thesis. You want to pick a topic that you are relatively knowledgeable about so you are not completely in the dark. By picking a topic that you know even a little about, will take away the anxiety of not knowing where to start or what to write about. If you chose to challenge yourself and write a paper about something you are novice about, then you want to pick a topic that is broad enough to find enough information about. For example, if you want to write a paper about cars, do not make cars what your paper is about, because although it is a broad topic it is also somewhat narrow. Try to broaden your topic buy changing it to, â€Å"how cars have changed our lives.†Changing your topic to a more argumentative thesis gives you a pinpoint area to write about and leaves the door open to give you more to write about. The second step, and what I believe to be the most important step is locating sources to support your thesis. A research essay without sources becomes an opinion essay, and that is what you as the writer want to stay away from. Sources make your essay more creditable. If your essay is about â€Å"how technology has benefited students and teachers in the classrooms,†then you should find sources that are about how technology is used inShow MoreRelatedMy Hardest Writing Assignment1119 Words  | 5 PagesThe most stressful/ hardest writing assignment. The hardest writing assignment I thought I would ever have to write about would have to be this paper. 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