Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Effectiveness Of Integrating First Aid Education Essay
Title: Effectiveness of integrating first-aid education in school curricula at Wenzhou-Kean University. Description: The timely first-aid provided by bystanders is critical to minimize deaths or permanent injuries resulting from accidents. Although the first-aid training programs have been systemically integrated into undergraduate curricula in most advanced countries, little recognition for first-aid education is currently given in most non-medical universities in China. Therefore, the aims of this project are 1) to understand the current level of first-aid knowledge and skills that the students at Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU), a world-class institute, have. 2) to explore the possibilities and potential benefits of implementing first-aid education into the school curricula at WKU. The research is the first critical step, the success of which will be a breakthrough to the first-aid education in non-medical universities in China. Backgroundï ¼Å¡The timely and appropriate first-aid operations provided by non-medical personnel at the scene of accidents before medical professionals arrive are crucial to help minimize the frequency in accidental related deaths and injuries [1]. Early recognition, performance of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the initiation of immediate emergency medical services have a great impact on survival ratio after out-of-hospital-cardiac-arrest [2]. Take foreign-body airway obstruction for example, the patient will have a much greater chance toShow MoreRelatedShould Technology Be Incorporated in the Classroom?1523 Words  | 6 Pagesto expanding the learning experience. Research on the effectiveness of technology has focused on higher education, but research also suggests that uses of specific technology can improve students of all grades learning capabilities as well. Benefits of technology. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
Literary Analysis Of The Great Gatsby - 1673 Words
Jack and Tobey Ms. Mccombe English 11 10 April 2015 Literary Analysis of The Great Gatsby Dreams are a compelling force in people’s lives. They are what propel them forward each and every day in an effort to reach something better. The American Dream has been sought after by millions all over the world for hundreds of years. This country was founded on the belief that anyone could achieve their dreams. However, in the 1920s these hopes and aspirations began to splinter until they ultimately shattered. In the novel, The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald uses symbolism, setting, and theme to depict the unattainability of the American Dream. Throughout the novel, Fitzgerald’s use of symbolism helps create an ambiance of longing. He dominantly uses color to represent and convey specific messages to the reader. These colors are woven so seamlessly into the story that one would not think very much of them. However, they play a large role in shaping the novel. Fitzgerald uses yellow to represent money, and Gatsby’s desire to be included among the elite â€Å"old money†social class. His longing is shown through his yellow car and his yellow suit. Although yellow represents a major aspect of the novel, the green light at the end of Daisy’s pier holds the most significance. When Nick says, â€Å"Gatsby believed in the green light †¦ †(Fitzgerald 180), he is referring to Gatsby’s American Dream and how he believed that he would one day be reunited with Daisy. Green expresses the same feelingsShow MoreRelatedLiterary Analysis Of The Great Gatsby 1490 Words  | 6 PagesJaylinn Cooper Mrs. Fowler English III March 3, 2017 Literary Analysis of The Great Gatsby The 1920s in America, known as the Roaring Twenties, was a time of celebration after a destructive war. It was a period of time in America characterised by prosperity and optimism. There was a general feeling of disruption associated with modernity and a break with traditions.The Roaring Twenties was a time of great economic prosperity and many people became rich and wealthy. Some people inherited oldRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of The Great Gatsby1142 Words  | 5 PagesLiterary Analysis of The Great Gatsby Literature is medium that allows authors to express personal beliefs and value to others in a variety of ways. Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, regarded as one of the best writers in America, wrote The Great Gatsby to convey his perception of American society in the early 20th century. Fitzgerald uses a specific orientation of storytelling to render his purpose of writing the novel. The Great Gatsby revolves around Jay Gatsby. His mysterious background and behaviorRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of The Great Gatsby Essay1898 Words  | 8 PagesSameet K. Mann Ms. Rowe IB English 7 September 2016 Literary Analysis: The American Dream The century old concept of the American Dream is the belief that no matter what race, gender, religion or background a person is from, she/he has the ability to become successful through the means of hard work and determination. Unlike today, Americans during the 1920s lived in the illusion that achieving the American Dream involved immoral actions and only the satisfaction of their greedy pleasures. ThisRead MoreLiterary Analysis : The Great Gatsby1806 Words  | 8 Pages Literary analysis: The Great Gatsby To truly achieve The American Dream is nearly impossible without personal sacrifice, as evidenced by The Great Gatsby by F. Scott. Fitzgerald. As the characters, especially Gatsby himself, eventually learn, there is no way to make the fantasy of a perfect life a reality. There are ways to imitate the results, such hiding one’s true self from others, as Gatsby attempts with Nick, or an all-encompassing devotion to one thing or person, as if that thing or personRead MoreThe Great Gatsby Literary Analysis741 Words  | 3 Pagesâ€Å"The Great Gatsby†by F. Scott Fitzgerald was on the the greatest pieces of American literature ever constructed. F. Scott Fitzgerald is considered one of the five greatest authors in American history. His Book â€Å"The Great Gatsby†was named the third most important book in American literature. An article by John A. Pidgeon it says â€Å"I am absolutely convinced that â€Å"The Great Gatsby†is one of the finest of americ an literature†(Pidgeon) â€Å"The Great Gatsby†is clearly a highly thought of piece of literatureRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of The Great Gatsby1787 Words  | 8 PagesThe Great Gatsby, published in 1925, is hailed as masterpiece of American fictions of its time. It is noted for the remarkable way its author captures a cross-section of American society during the 1920s. The author, F. Scott Fitzgerald offers up a commentary on the American society of which he was a part. He successfully encapsulates the mood of a generation during a politically and socially crucial and chaotic period of American history. In fact, The Great Gatsby is a brilliant piece of EnglishRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald2128 Words  | 9 PagesLiterary Analysis of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby is an incredible novel written in 1925 by F. Scott Fitzgerald, a prolific American author, and published by Scribner’s. Nevertheless, during its first release, the book sold poorly and received mixed reviews. In fact, Fitzgerald died in 1940 considering himself and his works a failure. However, the onset of the Second World War revived the novel, which later became an essential component of high school curricula and differentRead Moresparknotes vs cliffnotes830 Words  | 4 Pagesunderstanding the literary elements, character developments, and plot development that a author uses to help create the story. Both sites provide similar information, ranging from overall plot summaries and character analysis, but Sparknotes goes more into the literary aspect of the book, while cliffnotes focuses more on the character and his motives. In analyzing Jay Gatsby, Cliffnotes focuses much more on Gatsby himself and his underlying motives to his character, like â€Å"In assessing Gatsby, one must examineRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald921 Words  | 4 Pagesof The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald relays the first encounter with the protagonist of the novel, and is also were his use of literary techniques emotionally involves the reader whilst effectively telling the story so brilliantly. Also his varied use of diverse methods of structure and form, than what has been previously seen in his commentaries, allows the readers to explore the events of the naive narrator, Nick, with other people other than the materialistic and drunk lifestyle that Gatsby and hisRead MoreThe Great Gatsby Compared to The Sun Also Rises793 Words  | 3 Pagesalso did not leave out the meaningless relationships to the society and conventions. One of the main characters, Jay Gatsby, a mysterious, wealthy man living in luxurious mansion in Long Island, throwing parties almost every weekend for people he doesn’t even know – â€Å"This is an unusual party for me. I haven’t even seen the host.†sais one of the quest to Gatsby, the host. Gatsby is a perfect example of careless lifestyle. But these parties are actually just a way, he puts up with his unfulfilled
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Cold Sassy Free Essays
Death is spread all throughout Cold Sassy Tree, a novel that begins with the passing of Mattie Lou and ends with the passing of Rocker Blakeley. While the book focuses on mainly on religion and the restrictions of the town Cold Sassy, the Grim Reaper seems to be floating around every corner. Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burns. We will write a custom essay sample on Cold Sassy or any similar topic only for you Order Now Is a book that revolves around death, and the main character Will Tweedy seems to know lust how to handle himself from the very start. Will Tweedy Is fourteen years old when his grandmother, Mattie Lou Toy Blakeley, dies three weeks before the novel begins. There Is no real explanation as to why she died, since the author did not specify her sickness, so It was most likely due to natural causes. This might have made It somewhat easier on Mattie Loll’s family and the rest of Cold Sassy, who were very close to her, but It does not keep them all from grieving and mourning to Kingdom Come. They linger on her death and restrict themselves from doing anything they find pleasurable. This Is understandable as well as common in their time, seeing that they could be judged for coming out of mourning too quickly. However, young Will sees that there is something wrong with tying upset for such a long period of time: â€Å"l just didn’t think I could stand anymore mourning. For three whole weeks†¦ They hadn’t let me play baseball or go fishing or anything. †(Burns 14). This shows that Will is somewhat ahead of others when it comes to dealing with the demise of close friends and relatives, though he deals with it in a very different way from others. Will Is puzzled by the conformity that is offered from Cold Sassy. He does not see why it is wrong for his grandfather, Mr.. Blakeley, to love both his dead wife and his new wife, Miss Love. He knows that it is strange for his grandfather to be marrying a unsung milliner shortly after Mattie Lou dies, yet sees the positive side and recognizes the fact that his grandfather will need help around the house. If Mattie Lou is dead, how can she help Mr.. Blakeley? Will has also almost been killed by a train; this occurred not long after Mattie Loll’s death. The event was very surreal to him, and he was extremely scared when he found that he could very well be dead: â€Å"And as knowledge of what could have happened hit me, I started shaking and crying. †(Burns 78). In addition to this, Will’s friend Bluffed Jackson died the previous year due to cocoas. Will grieves for him during the camping trip with his friends, but he covers it up with humor. That is the revelation; Will deals with death through comedy so that he can deal with the emotions he does not understand. However, after he himself almost dies, Will begins to see that he should be more appreciative of life, and It makes him want to understand God and death more than ever. This brings us to Will’s spiritual mentor, which would be his grandfather, Rocker Blakeley. Rocker helps Will mature In many ways through the novel, never lecturing UT sharing his thoughts with young Tweedy. Rocker makes It clear that he Cold Sassy By mahogany seems to be floating around every corner. Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burns. S a Will Tweedy is fourteen years old when his grandmother, Mattie Lou Toy Blakeley, dies three weeks before the novel begins. There is no real explanation as to why she died, since the author did not specify her sickness, so it was most likely due to natural causes. This might have made it somewhat easier on Mattie Loll’s family and the rest of Cold Sassy, who were very close to her, but it does not keep them all from homeless from doing anything they find pleasurable. This is understandable as well as common in their time, seeing that they could be Judged for coming out of staying upset for such a long period of time: â€Å"l Just didn’t think I could stand Will is puzzled by the conformity that is offered from Cold Sassy. He does not see almost dies, Will begins to see that he should be more appreciative of life, and it Blakeley. Rocker helps Will mature in many ways through the novel, never lecturing but sharing his thoughts with young Tweedy. Rocker makes it clear that he How to cite Cold Sassy, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Camp Encuentro free essay sample
There I was sitting on a bus filled with the excited chatter of 30 Latina girls ecstatic to see each other after a whole year. I could feel the anticipation and the excitement amplify as we traveled to the campus of George Mason, where camp Encuentro de Chicas Latinas de las Girl Scouts would be held. On the bus my friend and I were the only non-Latina girls and I was in an environment I had yet to experience. The girls told us about themselves and how happy they were to participate in this camp again; the excitement was obvious from the radiant smiles they gave. At the camp, I worked as a counselor for 3 days with around 300 Latina girls. During these few days the girls bonded over group activities such as yoga, defense classes, and the banquet on the last night. I even bonded with the Latina Chicas by showing off some my Spanish speaking skills. We will write a custom essay sample on Camp Encuentro or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Finally all my years of Spanish had come to use in somewhere outside of the classroom and it was very beneficial because some girls knew minimal English. This camp was a chance to learn more about a culture during the short amount of time through interacting with the young Latina girls from Frederick County and surrounding counties. On the last night, I had the pleasure of hearing stories from Latina women in various careers like entrepreneurs and company presidents from around this country and other countries talk about their successes and how Girl Scouts was an influential tool in their lives. I think the young girls were able to envision how Girl Scouts could fit into their lives and help them become more driven, hard-working women in society. Seeing how this organization has grown and spread throughout other parts of the world and is still able to connect us all together is amazing and inspiring to me. Some girls that came were not girl scouts at the beginning of the camp, but b y the end of the camp I am certain they wanted to become a part of the worldwide sisterhood. I think the girls enjoyed this camp immensely because it was solely focused on them. All the discussion topics, the speakers, and activities were concentrated on them and helped build their confidence as well. When a younger girl shows interest in becoming a girl scout it is a good feeling knowing that this organization is being kept alive for upcoming generations. I owe so much to Girl Scouts and with my volunteer work through them, it has helped mold me into the goal-driven, hardworking, and supportive person I am today.
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